Super excited for 3.2!

Alright well I won't say I'm super excited but I've been trying to find the silver lining so-to-speak and I have to say.. Is anyone else excited to try and 5man Sunken Temple at 39?? I think it'll will be quite the challenge. Gearing for pve will provided a whole new facet to my twinks.
Yeah we have had some talks about trying ZF or ST on our twinks. Should be fun but then again the main reason we made twinks was to pvp.
I would say that there are 2 reasons that equally influenced me to make twinks. First, pvp is fun and engaging for the most part. But equally as important is I wanted something to do in-game that wasn't a perpetual grind. Twinking isn't perfect but the time put into twinks is much more meaningful to me then grinding another tier or another seasons-worth of gear.
3.2 will rock so hard! Very excited for end to 1 hour+ turtle fest warsongs as well as the dynamic of SUPER PUGS formed by random twinks filling both sides.

the future is here!
Sockdolager said:
3.2 will rock so hard! Very excited for end to 1 hour+ turtle fest warsongs as well as the dynamic of SUPER PUGS formed by random twinks filling both sides.

the future is here!

D: I'm going to miss the long warsong's - not so much the Turtle Fests, because instead of 3 hour turtles, there will be a cap in 2 minutes then an 18 minute turtle...Epic long 3 hour warsong matches were so much fun :p
Nonono, stay on track people. I want to talk about PvE'ing on our twinks.
Meh, I find myself not so terribly excited about 3.2, but mostly because I will become one very bored Druid.

But back to the topic: I think I could easily tank ST or ZF.
i have a feeling i'm going to be world pvping (read: ganking) a lot while my raids are on cooldown.
3.2 hmm, time will tell..

I really imagine that the whole "raiding ST and Mara and the like" thing will die off rather quickly...we cant actually use the gear from there so the only real reward will be getting the achievement, which a lot of people dont care about.

Im more excited to see if the twinking community in the smaller brackets can unify into just a couple of BGs to see if pugging will still be viable on a regular basis.

The 20 minute time limit is by far the worst part of the patch..hopefully that will die at least in the "no exp" games. As a player who plays in premades on a regular basis, 20 minutes isnt enough time to settle things and the games will be a snooze fest. The only interesting bit will be seeing how it actually changes team comps to account for a quick cap and then a holding action.
Unsure, but suspected that the US might get there before us, so kept schtum. Hopefully we can get world first.
Did you guys figure out what gear sets and comps your going to use? Or are you just going to wing it?
Situation said:
Did you guys figure out what gear sets and comps your going to use? Or are you just going to wing it?

if sm cath and rfd at 29 are any indication, casters will not be viable dps at all, unless you got like a billion spell pen and hit, physicals should stack hit,

Ret pallies aren't viable as dps, because their spells get basically all of the damage resisted on higher mobs, the only use we had for a pally was buffs, judgement of light, and healspam offtanking in a regen/int set, with judgement of command glyph. (holds the best agro because tanking abilities often get parried, dodged, or miss entirely)

The best thing to stack dps wise is ap stacked and hit hunters (don't crit very often on such high leveled mobs) , and hit stacked warriors who can offtank and gets lots of rage.

we found rogues to be subpar, doing under half the dps that hunters and warriors did.

my 2c on what classes are viable for what purposes in pve where mobs are higher levels than you.
Vallei said:
if sm cath and rfd at 29 are any indication, casters will not be viable dps at all, unless you got like a billion spell pen and hit, physicals should stack hit

It's easier to get higher hit as a caster and spell pen would be worthless. I will agree that casters may not be optimal just because no one will likely be able to "hit cap" for instances that high and mana will be an issue.

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