sup twinks thinking about coming back to retail


Gang shit
sup thinking about coming back to retail on a hpally anyone know what the bis enchants and gear would be? any help with this new xpac and gearing would be appreciated
dungeon farming way
take your pick of secondary stats and look at wod dungeons. farm the gear you want until you get the rng you want (warforged, socket, wf/socket).

quest way
redo quests that give socket gear over and over until it procs epic. gives your bis but you have to redo the quests by making new characters.

ring enchants is accord. bfa weapon enchants. shadowlands gems for epic gear, normal gems for the rest. theres probably more but this is everything you need to get a good toon
i have been thinking about the same thing, how is the queue time nowadays?
Im thinking about comming back to Retail too, But all i can do is play on my old lvl 19 Hunter, which turned into a lvl 9 character now.... Hmmm I wonder what BiS would be for him now, im gonna research ^^, GL with your Hpally

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