@Conq @Blackout @lindenkron compilation of thoughts and alternative suggestions from the community
It'd be like if a basketball game went into overtime, and the team who gets the Jump Ball wins - trendy
team with the taller player and better jumps wins - marb
lets all just play rock paper scissor and stop wasting 15min of eachothers time - shamatix
how about the first kill on a player whose name starts with a vowel - syrue
First team to race from middle and all make the horde tot jump up wins - manny
First team to donate me $1000 wins - phobia
first team to get 7 KBs - syrue
first team that does a successful tunnel jump - syrue
first team that does a flip when they jump - syrue
the TC rules committee could name a random player at the start that each team needs to kill - syrue
it should be a naked 1v1 in mid (only melee) for the tie breaker - mith
first team to cross the map wins (all 10 players must be on the opponents flag spawn)
first team to make a kind post towards conq on xpoff in the middle of the match gains a 1 flag capture advantage
first team to lay down a picnic wins (all 10 members must be sitting down for it to count)
and this is just a small handful xd
it should be first team to capture a flag, not first team to land a kill.
It'd be like if a basketball game went into overtime, and the team who gets the Jump Ball wins - trendy
team with the taller player and better jumps wins - marb
lets all just play rock paper scissor and stop wasting 15min of eachothers time - shamatix
how about the first kill on a player whose name starts with a vowel - syrue
First team to race from middle and all make the horde tot jump up wins - manny
First team to donate me $1000 wins - phobia
first team to get 7 KBs - syrue
first team that does a successful tunnel jump - syrue
first team that does a flip when they jump - syrue
the TC rules committee could name a random player at the start that each team needs to kill - syrue
it should be a naked 1v1 in mid (only melee) for the tie breaker - mith
first team to cross the map wins (all 10 players must be on the opponents flag spawn)
first team to make a kind post towards conq on xpoff in the middle of the match gains a 1 flag capture advantage
first team to lay down a picnic wins (all 10 members must be sitting down for it to count)
and this is just a small handful xd
it should be first team to capture a flag, not first team to land a kill.
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