Sub lvl 16 haste healers.

I'm sure no one is surprised by this, but due not only to reforging, but also to the large number of low level blues and such it will become very possible for low level healers to thrive in the bracket(also the conversion of int to spwr is big). I'm already looking at a lvl 16 druid with over 30% haste through trinkets as well as gloves, mace, and the reforging. And a lvl 14 paly could potentially have 40% + haste (30%+ with a shield)! That would bring holy lights cast time way way below the 2 second mark, making it easily the best heal in the bracket.

Hardtimes said:
I'm sure no one is surprised by this, but due not only to reforging, but also to the large number of low level blues and such it will become very possible for low level healers to thrive in the bracket(also the conversion of int to spwr is big). I'm already looking at a lvl 16 druid with over 30% haste through trinkets as well as gloves, mace, and the reforging. And a lvl 14 paly could potentially have 40% + haste (30%+ with a shield)! That would bring holy lights cast time way way below the 2 second mark, making it easily the best heal in the bracket.


I don't really know, but even it turned out to be the best healer class, you would still need survivability, and considering the lower level you are, the more misses you get on some one higher level then you, being level 14 wouldn't be a walk in the park in any 19 battleground.
PureCraft said:
I don't really know, but even it turned out to be the best healer class, you would still need survivability, and considering the lower level you are, the more misses you get on some one higher level then you, being level 14 wouldn't be a walk in the park in any 19 battleground.

I was thinking the same thing, and I don't know if this needs a new thread, but I don't find my lvl 10 hunter missing at all vs. higher lvl characters regardless of if they are lvl 20 or lvl 80 and I've only got +5 hit on my boots. On my character sheet it says +13% vs. character of lvl 10. I'm not that knowledgable on hit there some kind of hit cap where at a certain percentage you always hit????

also I'm thinking that if you are a pure healer (espcially a pally since they dont' have cc) you wouldn't really need much hit since you targeting your own team.

also....I haven't pvp'd much in the last year since I haven't people automatically not play classes anymore that do not have some kind of travel form? seems like you'd be at a severe enough disadvantage to consider rolling a new character.
Hit is not really a problem except for casters.

For melee and ranged physical attacks the miss chance would be 5% and a additional 0.04% per defence difference (0.2% per lvl) so you will need only 6.8% hit (less than 3 hit rating at lvl 10) to be hit capped against a lvl 19. (for fun: miss chance against a lvl 80 is 19% which is obtained with only 7.3 hit rating at lvl 10)

@hardtimes. I don't know where you are getting all that haste from but at lvl 14 you will need 46 haste rating to achieve the 40% you want for you pally. Now if you could get that amount at lvl 10 you are looking at 119.6% haste.

and at lvl 16 you druid will also need 46haste rating (and if you can get 46 at lvl 14 you could get higher here). But again for rating stacking you are better to look at lvl 10 twinks.

Lvl 14 twink where populair for some time but they seem to have all died out. Reason to me seamed to be that you where not getting the same benefit from ratings as a lvl 10 twink and where missing the spells from a lvl 19 twink so you lost the best of both sides and only got a bit from each side.
Trespasser said:
Lvl 14 twink where populair for some time but they seem to have all died out. Reason to me seamed to be that you where not getting the same benefit from ratings as a lvl 10 twink and where missing the spells from a lvl 19 twink so you lost the best of both sides and only got a bit from each side.

No, the reason being was that 3.1 hit and nerfed 14 twinks. The benefits far surpassed level 10s and 19s.
Trespasser said:
Hit is not really a problem except for casters.

For melee and ranged physical attacks the miss chance would be 5% and a additional 0.04% per defence difference (0.2% per lvl) so you will need only 6.8% hit (less than 3 hit rating at lvl 10) to be hit capped against a lvl 19. (for fun: miss chance against a lvl 80 is 19% which is obtained with only 7.3 hit rating at lvl 10)

Trespasser---thanks alot for the insight and info on my questions!!!
Trespasser said:
Hit is not really a problem except for casters.

For melee and ranged physical attacks the miss chance would be 5% and a additional 0.04% per defence difference (0.2% per lvl) so you will need only 6.8% hit (less than 3 hit rating at lvl 10) to be hit capped against a lvl 19. (for fun: miss chance against a lvl 80 is 19% which is obtained with only 7.3 hit rating at lvl 10)

@hardtimes. I don't know where you are getting all that haste from but at lvl 14 you will need 46 haste rating to achieve the 40% you want for you pally. Now if you could get that amount at lvl 10 you are looking at 119.6% haste.

and at lvl 16 you druid will also need 46haste rating (and if you can get 46 at lvl 14 you could get higher here). But again for rating stacking you are better to look at lvl 10 twinks.

Lvl 14 twink where populair for some time but they seem to have all died out. Reason to me seamed to be that you where not getting the same benefit from ratings as a lvl 10 twink and where missing the spells from a lvl 19 twink so you lost the best of both sides and only got a bit from each side.

Right now you can get 40 haste rating easily through two enchants plus 2 haste boa rings. Post Cat, I calculate you can get around 52ish max with 2h, or around 32 ish with swords and shield. Lvl 14 healing paly is because at that lvl you obtain holy light which in the xpack is 9% of base mana and a 3 second cast. With that much haste along with 70% pushback reduction, plus holy shock I think survivability is fairly good in mail except against rogues who have both the dps and silences to kill you. Mages who have the only other silence are unlikly to take down your health pool in 8 seconds. A 1.8ish second Holy light will probably out heal any other dpser. Especially with a shield.

I'm looking at a 16 druid because at that lvl druids get travel form which is extremely important for escaping. However, it benifits at 16 you benifit a lot less from haste.

Saying that a lvl 19 will allways beat a low level toon is simply untrue. For one thing A low level Hunter for instance has access to a 20-30% stam increase through tallents in the survival tree, bringing them much closer to the average health of other twinks. I also have a formal dangui to use so...

The other reason for a haste healer is the entertainment, its more challenging I believe then playing at 19.

Looking at a chardev of a lvl 18 druid I think it might also be possible to stack haste rating on them as well in the xpack, Even with current itemization you can reach 19% haste with little effort.

Edit: forgot about the lavadredger, so essentially you are looking at a much higher haste rating than I expected.
A lvl 16 haste healer would be interesting. A balance druid would be able to get 3 points in nature's grace by level 16 aswell as dreamstate meaning that mana would not be a problem and you would have some fun talents. A level 16 druid would not miss out on any vastly important abilities, however he would miss out on topend gear, meaning that his survivability would be less compared to a level 19. With the amount of burst that is anticipated in cata i would not want to skimp out on stamina just to get more haste, haste that is completely unnecessary imo, since a 19 druid's throughput will be great enough, and possibly greater than a 16s. Also a level 16 druid would have to stack an awful lot more hit rating, meaning that his roots would be gimped. I would hate to have 10% miss chance on my roots, and getting 10% hit through gear just isnt viable, and you might actually end up with less haste than a 19 druid if you do this. A level 19 druid doesnt even need to gear for any hit, he can just spend one point in Balance of Power to get the hit cap

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