Stuff that pisses me off

I just decided to make a list since I've encountered some bad PUGs lately

1. fake casting and CCing two twink mages and a few others but not grabbing flag so the opposing team caps it easily

2. literally having 6 or 7 people chase me up the ramp while i DON'T have the flag, juking them all off the fence, grabbing the flag, having about 15 CDs thrown at me, dying, and the opposing team is able to grab/cap the flag with all 9 of my team on our side of the field

3. slightoblade

4 a rogue geared like slightoblade but sucks badly so it has to call upon about 2 or 3 other rogues to blow all of their CDs on me so they have a chance to kill me

5. huntards that have perfect gear, suck balls, and focus fire me

6. in junction with #2, having like 5-8 people focus fire me at the horde fence while having my team do nothing

Go ahead and feel free to nerd rage here
Only if....

Maybe if they place the flags in the road pugs bgs may get better. I was in a few the other day that I can swear by their road coverage even at early levels. Yep.....that road was all theirs.... No one was even trying to take it from them they were so grouped up. Hell the other team had to run to the stables, farm, blacksmith, mines and lumber mill just to avoid fighting them.

Some of the bravest souls in the game....I watched a low level charge 3 twinks and die almost instantly.

On a real note we know that they are not us on any level. I made a post in the Taveren about twink chat channels that seems to be making it easier to get games together. Made a few new friends and exchanged stories, tactics, and helped each other gear a few items and make a few trades.
um lets see having every spell lock miss on a fc mage along with at least 50% of all my devour magics fail to pull myself out of sheep or the rogue next to me out if frost nova.

Being on my priest and having some lvl 30 hunter w/ aim shot follow me around

Fake casting a rogue only to eat a kidney shot...over...and over......and over...and over again

Not being able to mc undead rogues off thunder bluff while dueling.

Mana burning ret pallies/hunter only to have then mana pot

Warlocks with auto spell lock on and actually catching me with one at the perfect time.

Warriors that actually know what sunder armor is

Druids that I cant make oom in under 20 seconds

I do however enjoy watching cocky priests try to mana burn through 4k mana, only to realize that they are going oom faster than I am.

Prolly think of some more
Lets see...

1) Pugs, espcially lowbies trying to tell people what to do when they have no idea wtf there doing.

2) Being on a completlly lopsided team 8 twinks vs 1, and if it takes them longer than 15 minutes to win I rofl at them even harder.

3) When groups of enemys attack you, only to have them try to run away when they realize they still can't kill you.

4) Having the flag, only to have 0 Defense and 0 Offense, whole team is just sitting mid field/grave yard.

5) People that emote you in groups AFTER you already rolled them several times in a 1v1.

6) Priests that mana burn when its a 3vs1 or more fight, come on wtf?

7) Watching a flag get taken when theres 6 or more alliance by the flag!!

8) Idiots that think there bad ass for having high dps because they sat in the gy all game againest a crap team.

9) Killing a FC that was annoying to take down, only to get cc/snared and have some one that did nothing get my return.

10) People crying about glitch/bugs fixxes (stuff like the mining bug, you knew it was a bug morons, stop QQing).

I am sure theres more, but as for now im done with my list
Naturaltalnt said:
2) Being on a completlly lopsided team 8 twinks vs 1, and if it takes them longer than 15 minutes to win I rofl at them even harder.
i love these games :D

8) Idiots that think there bad ass for having high dps because they sat in the gy all game againest a crap team.
and then have them call you bad because you have no damage and 2 caps while the opposing team wins
Lol i can pump out more than damage than any scrub farming the GY, Im usually above them on dmg unless I have no resistance with flags, which is rare.

Its also funny to see them brag about KBs.

You seriouslly can't be defending them, thats pretty sad, returning flags so the carrier can cap to win the game > getting some dps and hks
Naturaltalnt said:
You seriouslly can't be defending them, thats pretty sad, returning flags so the carrier can cap to win the game > getting some dps and hks

i mean when they brag about their kills/damage and mock my own while i'm the only person on our team doing anything remotely productive and we lose the game
Druiddroid said:
3. slightoblade

4 a rogue geared like slightoblade but sucks badly so it has to call upon about 2 or 3 other rogues to blow all of their CDs on me so they have a chance to kill me

This made me all giddy inside :D
1. Giving up. As in, people who say "let them cap", or people who stop queuing for 5s or 10s after losing.

2. Disinterest. As in, guilds with the manpower for premades, but either don't feel like arranging a day for premade matches, or would rather roll pugs.

3. Laziness. As in, people who ask for very easy to get information, or who want everything done for them.

4. Arrogance. As in people who profess to know exactly what is the best way to do everything. Or maybe it's just the stupid arrogant people and the closeminded people that are annoying. >.>
-hunters that attack you from 15105815 yards away

-hunters that send their pets in to attack you while theyre running the other way

-bad players that rng me

-bad players that are hard to beat because their class counters mine


-people who stare at your gear and ask you where its from instead of playing the game

-charge and intercept not getting me to my target

-getting Xv1'd when 2 would have done the job
-hunters that attack you from 15105815 yards away

-hunters that send their pets in to attack you while theyre running the other way

-bad players that rng me

-bad players that are hard to beat because their class counters mine


-people who stare at your gear and ask you where its from instead of playing the game

-charge and intercept not getting me to my target

-getting Xv1'd when 2 would have done the job

lol knew you were a warrior after the 1st one hahah

1. Hunters

2. Opposing priests that take offense at you being a priest, thus making them break from their FC escorting to 1v1 you. >.< Team players, eh?

3. Hunters

4. 2 Hunters at once

5. I believe someone said this already, but people who emote at you after they've taken you down in a group, but can't handle you at all 1v1.

6. Hunters

7. Warriors who rend you and try to pillar hump

8. People who ask 'LFM FOR ULDA' in a WSG/AB match

9. Pets

10. Ret pally's. Simply because I believe they have so many skills and talents that make them very versatile, but they spec away from such things for DPS.

11. Hunters

Edit (sorry. :p )

12: Twinks that can play their class extremely well, but think having the highest in the charts is what counts and is what -makes- you a good twink in their eyes.

13: GY Campers, no matter if it's 10v10 twinks or not. This DOES include the landing.

14: 'Best of'/'Worst of' threads.

Edit 2: Forgot

15: Hunters

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