thanks for the Bump bud, cant win them all but glad to see there is someone putting out some resistance on the horde side!! hope to see you out on the battlefield! Appreciate SS to its a real testament to what we've been able to build over here over the last 5 years! Glad we are screenshot worthy in your eyes!Bump!
Joe Bødin here, I was beginning to wonder where all my far left friends have gone but as I struggle to remember my name I remembered y’all play horde.
That's some sweet talasite stackin!
Ty for the bump - let me know when you want some even games. I've got 15 talasites sittin around.
It'll take you a lot more than 15 talasites to stack like me. Also, the point of the screenshots was not about us beating you in even games. The screenshots just showed how you and your egotistical guild mates get dumpstered against anything more than 2 twinks and a team of levelers. In a hard game you and your 5 man literally didn't even leave the graveyard. If you want fair matches play some wargames; I know you wont. Also, next time we beat you in the first game don't turn off btags and try to dodge us.
It'll take you a lot more than 15 talasites to stack like me. Also, the point of the screenshots was not about us beating you in even games. The screenshots just showed how you and your egotistical guild mates get dumpstered against anything more than 2 twinks and a team of levelers. In a hard game you and your 5 man literally didn't even leave the graveyard. If you want fair matches play some wargames; I know you wont. Also, next time we beat you in the first game don't turn off btags and try to dodge us.
you and your 5 man literally didn't even leave the graveyard
I like to think I'm still a nice dude, just a little more competitive now.Damn, Dizzen used to be a nice dude...