Stubs streaming

short break atm, games resuming within 20-30 mins.
im now playing hunter.
ended 9-1 with mirrors.
check out stubs' new good quality... games start now
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from the last 7 games I have played vs you and nayani only, I have won 5 so yes I get your point
oh look another lie heheh very fun I get your point.
dodge premade
dodge mage vs rdruid
dodge boomkin vs boomkin
dodge 2v3
you click spells, I don't even need to dignify you with any other answer
Do I =o ??
lol mejt not only did you lost to a mage as rdruid in mop, but a clicking one. you must really suck at this game pls quit
sqooshi you're totally right:
poor TD just wants to join us
wow jumped from 1 page to 4 in no time at all.
i knew it im always rite !+Trialdruideu @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft ratchet

dont unllike the posts u did pls i want to hav a high ratio so people know how helpful iam ect

feel free to vote MVP so i can rain knowldge on twinks heads more often in the publics name
Don't quite understand you, on the F2P forums you use perfect spelling and grammar and are a fairly respected twink as I remember. But on this you attempt to troll?.. Fail troll, troll is fail.
Don't quite understand you, on the F2P forums you use perfect spelling and grammar and are a fairly respected twink as I remember. But on this you attempt to troll?.. Fail troll, troll is fail.

what are you talking about?

i think it is clear here that the troll is you
from what i have seen of td in the us gulch... he is a hacker lag macro exploiter and on ti talk shit?

he join US game with deserter on, team had 11 players.. thank to TD hack and exploit.

this man need ban, ti and in game, as to stop his ways.


afk macro isnt to /afk.. was script to kick people, error everytime i try kick so i try script (no work...) no judge. proof only td exploit and hack.
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you mean trinket? whats wrong with a for bind? really very fast for press. i strafe q+e... i dont see problem

I have to agree, nothing's wrong with that bind, manny high rated arena players bind A with trinket
Nothing's worse than a keyboard turning backpedaler

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