don't flame about the premade, neither one of you. it was just for pure fun and promoting activity, well played by horde and a well-deserved victory.
I do actually think that it was one of the better games we've had, despite the advantage alliance had with class-setup. We were 2 people in skype for 10 minutes, and all I heard was "GO VIANCO KILL HIM GO GO" then we realized that it was dumb if we talked there and after we capped 1-0 I called nic&stubs&arkantNp dat match was the top shit of 19 twinking ever played on eu xdxd on a serious note winning 9vs10 is not that big of an achievement especially if you were listening their calls on skype, dat dc won the match and the 12minute 10man horde turtle we had, top healing gg, too bad this bracket is deader than discowas fun while the pops lasted
edit: oh nice carry with that capture pacz
Well, only you will know why you even joined skype in the first place, but hey what should we expect
Anyways, i agree it was one of the better games.
What i dont understand is why ppl have to come here and posting ss about a more or less random bg. ? If you call it out for more, you make yourself look like a fool.
Sorry but need my +25 posts
p much thiswat
not part of premade, just a random guy who happened to face a premade, and we won, I wish I would face a 10 man premade every game for competition sake! so yeaaaa
You faced a random grp formed on TI after 'first come first serve' with a pretty awesome horde grp. Was a fun game, no reason to make it look like a victory.
I would also love to play more of this games but it wont happen since this was taken to serious from some people.
no reason to see a victory as a victory? wooooooow, so u did not queue as 2, 5 man group with erryone in skype? And yeh I agree horde team had actualy like 6 decent players at once, rly good yo, still no premade on hordeside. I dont get why you are so salty, jeeez.
Imo the decent ones were:LOL wooow i wont argue with you anymore. It just dont make sense. Be happy about your victory ^^.
But one question i got:
6 decent players on horde. Well w/o beeing a genius, we all know who are atleast 4 of them ;-). So please tell me, who is not decent:
(i will left bearham out, since i dont know him)
Please tell me who of them five is not decent. It has to be 3 at least if you dont just like to talk bullshit!
LOL wooow i wont argue with you anymore. It just dont make sense. Be happy about your victory ^^.
But one question i got:
6 decent players on horde. Well w/o beeing a genius, we all know who are atleast 4 of them ;-). So please tell me, who is not decent:
(i will left bearham out, since i dont know him)
Please tell me who of them five is not decent. It has to be 3 at least if you dont just like to talk bullshit!
And we had a disadvantage ppl playing not their main chars or ppl playing with 200 hks - half geared chars so what? We had the disadvantage that you guys joined skype and that our fc disconnected.
All im trying to say is, that this was not the right game to brag about. It was a nice change for all, nothing more.
Thats it for me on this topic.
And lold at your list, but thats your opinion, you are free to share....
braggin? WHERE IS THE BRAGGIN. 1 screenshot posted when queueing normaly and ending up facing a full 10 man premade since u guys failed to synk queues yo. Ofc it's our opinion just like my opinion is that pariskilton is a really bad priest yo
not part of premade, just a random guy who happened to face a premade, and we won, I wish I would face a 10 man premade every game for competition sake! so yeaaaa
Since you faced me 1000 times right. But yes im not the best priest, never wanted to be ;-). Calling me bad goes to far yo.
We could also start about your rogue skills but since i dont want to talk on this lvl im just gonna leave it!
horde and alliance teams were very equal. Yes, you were puging but you still had one of the best horde teams that could be.