


It seems there no way to directly queue for Straholme dead side, am I right on this?
If that is the case, how to you go about farming things like the blade of the baron Rivendare? Tried to solo on my prot paly, but the banshee boss resets as soon as she mind controls me.
Kinda guessed it'd be the case. I'm having trouble finding a link to an alliance twink community (in-game). Would anybody have a link for one per chance?
Found the horde one easily, alas my paly is alliance.
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if you wait by the instance u can find ppl running for the mount and ask to join.
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I have soloed it on my prot pal, trick is that the banshee boss doesn’t MC you if you are under 50% HP (props to @Dragynslayer for figuring this out), so I took off my weapon/shield, pulled the boss, turned my back on her and waited till she beat me to like 25% HP and started to fight. This way she may reset a couple of times, but it can be done this way. (ofc farming with friends is easier and probably less mind-numbing :D )
Awesome mate, I'll try that. So I should try to make sure word of glory doesnt get me above 50% :p
Yeah, I’d avoid using WoG at all, also try not to heal when crusader is up, cost me a reset to learn that. :D
if you are tryin to solo it make sure you are in the current timeline as well, not cata.
I was able to solo it. Banshee was a tad tricky, since a heal crit puts me back over 50% and bam, mind controlled, reset. But as a whole it went without much problems. There's only that one ghoul boss that I cant kill fast enough, but he's optional, so no worries there.

A tad long though, I reckon. I'll try to find an alliance community, or I'll look into the discord channel. Because as is, I cant see myself farming the instance with such a low clear speed. Ty you all for the advices!

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