Stop limiting yourselves - Twink the Real Way


More people = better competition.

This isn't 2004. Get with the times. Play cross realm, that's why they implemented it in the game.

We (as in SCC) will go against any 10, 5, 5v5, 3, or 2 man, (with rules agreed on prior) perhaps make your own cross server team? I think more people should do this kind of thing.

Interesting snippet from another thread.

If people where interested I would be willing to start a thread if I think it would get a decent response that basically listed team names/guild names for any of the aforementioned forms of pvp. No restriction on server / amounts of teams a player can be on to be on the list (if someone can't make it than it's okay to sub but you must send me a completed roster). I think with WoD and the coming changes it would be good to start organizing these kinds of things. I think there is a personal arena rating addon you can get as well when the time comes, maybe there is one for War Games? or someone could make one? I know some of you nerdy teenage recluses are programming wiz kids.

To make this worth anyones time people (anyone interested in organized twinking) would have to take the initiative and create their own teams. Refer to the P2P sticky lists by Honeybadger or SallyG to maybe get some names of those interested in organizing.

Myself as well as anyone who has done a decent amount of organized twink PvP knows that it makes Twinking 100% more fun.

Why don't the F2P's do something like this as well? I'd add it to the hypothetical list but this is the wrong section.

Dibs on "Seal Team 24" Team name.

Also if we had a premade list of frequent teams for Tournaments this would make organizing things a million times easier for scc, the hardest part about tournaments is making sure we can field the teams and get the word out.
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Someone could easily edit the rating themselves in an add on, similar things have been done with oqueue

The least relevant part of this post but okay....not really an issue to be honest, who cares that much about twink rating to spend that kind of time + a lot of people take screen shots of scoreboards habitually anyway.
Afaik there used to be a arena rating addon back when skirmish was still a thing. So it should be doable.
Who really cares about rating at this low of a bracket? It just serves as a epeen stretcher.
Conq, do you have do be part of SSC to be a part of guild activities? My Alliance toons are on Cenarius.
PM for more details if you like.

Who really cares about rating at this low of a bracket? It just serves as a epeen stretcher.
Conq, do you have do be part of SSC to be a part of guild activities? My Alliance toons are on Cenarius.
PM for more details if you like.

Okay so if we where to include people outside of scc on a regular basis in our premades against other guilds, we would be accused of not being able to spot the numbers, right up until I personally went to each guild master and explained that we where trying to support the bracket, some might laugh, others might like it, but to be completely honest a lot of things are starting up in this bracket, keeping in mindthat it might go away, People who plan to go to a higher bracket (29s)might feel it's a good idea to start a 24, get it geared for free and play it but then level this new 24 to 29 when the time comes, or start a 19, have the option of doing such a thing. We will have tournaments but right now we are saving up for big ones during the summer which will be bracket wide, we may or may not have ones in the spring, I don't know but for now we are focusing on our premade game before any tournaments.

Also we are active but having someone who is good at managing these kinds of things is helpful, so we are looking for people who would do that - as a part of SCC. I suppose you could form your own guild under your realm name and label it a "satellite" of sorts, I'd have to talk to a few of my officers before we started doing that tho. You should note I would be more inclined to do this sort of thing but the officers of SCC are busy people, I have very little in game down time, as do the rest of my officers.
look im all about real ultimate twinking
it's like mma for nerds
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I haven't really twinked since my old 19 Priest in WotLK or NightWoW but I'm interested in making a 24 if people actually do arenas, premades, and fun events.

Would I be making the right choice starting up a 24? Is it also the right choice to be rolling this on Argent Dawn?

I'll be making a 24 Discipline Priest.
I haven't really twinked since my old 19 Priest in WotLK or NightWoW but I'm interested in making a 24 if people actually do arenas, premades, and fun events.

Would I be making the right choice starting up a 24? Is it also the right choice to be rolling this on Argent Dawn?

I'll be making a 24 Discipline Priest.
I think you'l see that you are.
Also we are active but having someone who is good at managing these kinds of things is helpful, so we are looking for people who would do that - as a part of SCC. I suppose you could form your own guild under your realm name and label it a "satellite" of sorts,

it's like mma for nerds

I really do not have time to manage another guild as I only play two maybe three nights a week. And only for a couple hours at a time then.
I could care less about premades, that is why I just PuG right now. I want quick games, in and out and back in again. But if you all have any scheduled "events" they do sound fun. I did make a toon on your server to check AH prices, gear availability, etc. and to start selling pets and such, as I do not like being dependent on others. SW was pretty dead. It could have been the time of day.

I really do not have time to manage another guild as I only play two maybe three nights a week. And only for a couple hours at a time then.
I could care less about premades, that is why I just PuG right now. I want quick games, in and out and back in again. But if you all have any scheduled "events" they do sound fun. I did make a toon on your server to check AH prices, gear availability, etc. and to start selling pets and such, as I do not like being dependent on others. SW was pretty dead. It could have been the time of day.


The server use to be much bigger, it is active at the right time of day, I pretty much have control of the twink economy on both factions so anything up there is taken down quickly for the most part, if it's of value. We are well supplied.

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