STOP IN THE NAME OF LOVE vs Somalian Pirate Crew

Again with the posturing. All this time just to set up one game. If one side is still getting gear, then why don't you set up a game of exactly the same comps and play with the exact same vendor gear. And play for three out of five games. Or even over several weeks. Then you can truly see which team is better. After all, skill is better than gear, right? So, who needs gear?
Last time I tried this it went over like a lead balloon.

Good luck with your games

Spc is hosting 10v10 wsg premade this sunday at 7pm btw. Add my btag if you would like to join: jornick#2563
Again with the posturing. All this time just to set up one game. If one side is still getting gear, then why don't you set up a game of exactly the same comps and play with the exact same vendor gear. And play for three out of five games. Or even over several weeks. Then you can truly see which team is better. After all, skill is better than gear, right? So, who needs gear?
Last time I tried this it went over like a lead balloon.

Good luck with your games


That's just silly.
Stop in the name of Love will fight anyone once our team has geared ;)
That's just silly.

Why is it silly? There even guides produced for each class with vendor gear. And even guides with green quest gear if that route is chosen. That way each team is EXACTLY the same. The only difference is skill. And all you have to do is queue up for a wargame and BOOM, done...
Everyone makes toons specifically for these games. We all know it does not take that long to level these days. I can link those guides if you like.

I find it mildly amusing that the 19 players who called this bracket trash and shit etc, are now crawling in.
Becuz taking the bracket by storm is crawling in
I find it mildly amusing that the 19 players who called this bracket trash and shit etc, are now crawling in.

The bracket is still trash and shit, regardless of whether one decides to play in it or not.

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