So, @JadeFire suggested some time ago (when bramble was still a thing) that a 2h spell span sham might be a possibility. So, obviously, I jumped all over that. After the bramble nerf I hadn't played the toon for a while until I got time on the acct to update it.
So, here is my post-bramble spellhance.
This is not an optimal build (it's not even optimal gear to its own build) but it has been fun as checks. My state priority was Agi>mast>crit>haste>vers. Inside BGs I sport a 30% crit, 43% mast and about 12% haste Idk what my vers is, don't rlly care about it.
To play this well you need to position well. I do p big dmg when under trink and racial, but a hunter will still just tear you down, its better to position well and throw out off-heals, apply dots to stealthers and slows to melee on teammates rather than rush forward trying to get into a spot that you're just going to get blown up in any way.
If you position well and drop spells on the enemy team's melee you will do plenty of dmg, and have plenty of utility.
IF you are looking to optimize this build I would suggest that you might not be a spell-hance shaman. Even so, here are some personal choices that I made that are definitively wrong for optimization:
Don't use crowing. Even if you want to only cast spells you will do better w Narlex/socket with +dmg and +attack power chants. I chose to use the 2h bc the swag outweighs a little more dmg on each spell. Also, crowing has a bunch of crit, which I like.
That brings me to the second clearly wrong optimization choice. I overprioritize crit because it feels more fun to play. There is no real excuse to dump vers, an optimal prioritization would probably be Mast>verse>haste>crit I think? Not entirely sure. I pumped crit because I enjoy the play of it
Is spell-hance playable? Certainly, but you need to have a good mindset for it (especially if you plan on limiting yourself w a 2h). If you're not using your utility spells your not going to be effective. There is a time to off heal and a time to smack fools down w EB and LB crits so you have to read the field a bit.
This is not a build that I am trying to hype people into, it is not powerful by any stretch, but I am having a lot of fun w it right now.
TLDR: Spellhance is brokenly powerful, probably going to delete all of my other characters why would anyone play anything else.
So, here is my post-bramble spellhance.
This is not an optimal build (it's not even optimal gear to its own build) but it has been fun as checks. My state priority was Agi>mast>crit>haste>vers. Inside BGs I sport a 30% crit, 43% mast and about 12% haste Idk what my vers is, don't rlly care about it.
To play this well you need to position well. I do p big dmg when under trink and racial, but a hunter will still just tear you down, its better to position well and throw out off-heals, apply dots to stealthers and slows to melee on teammates rather than rush forward trying to get into a spot that you're just going to get blown up in any way.
If you position well and drop spells on the enemy team's melee you will do plenty of dmg, and have plenty of utility.
IF you are looking to optimize this build I would suggest that you might not be a spell-hance shaman. Even so, here are some personal choices that I made that are definitively wrong for optimization:
Don't use crowing. Even if you want to only cast spells you will do better w Narlex/socket with +dmg and +attack power chants. I chose to use the 2h bc the swag outweighs a little more dmg on each spell. Also, crowing has a bunch of crit, which I like.
That brings me to the second clearly wrong optimization choice. I overprioritize crit because it feels more fun to play. There is no real excuse to dump vers, an optimal prioritization would probably be Mast>verse>haste>crit I think? Not entirely sure. I pumped crit because I enjoy the play of it
Is spell-hance playable? Certainly, but you need to have a good mindset for it (especially if you plan on limiting yourself w a 2h). If you're not using your utility spells your not going to be effective. There is a time to off heal and a time to smack fools down w EB and LB crits so you have to read the field a bit.
This is not a build that I am trying to hype people into, it is not powerful by any stretch, but I am having a lot of fun w it right now.
TLDR: Spellhance is brokenly powerful, probably going to delete all of my other characters why would anyone play anything else.