I will say, please avoid the inclination to say "holy shit, we have 20 people on, lets swap to WSG". Just stick to arenas on arena night.
Having not played a 39 arena since a few weeks after xp off went live i likely wont play but i fully support the idea for those of you who enjoy it. You can count on me to keep playing saturday evenings though.
Hi Guys,
I am new to TI but would like to contribute to this discussion. Only one night a week will never help this the Bracket to grow. On another note, please educate me more on the activities of Bracket to enable me contribute effectively.
Yeah, this is something I'll never do. BG nights are for BGs, arena nights will be for arena. I really think that having a proper schedule in place is very important, and doing things on a whim can very often have negative effects. It might piss some people off, but if there's no structure and people start doing whatever they feel like on any given 39 day, things become unorganized and it just ends up with people confused.
I will say however that I would like to extend our arena nights into 3v3 occasionally for the more "hardcore" arena players, because generally 3s provides more balanced games and class diversity. The issue is keeping 2s alive for everyone else during this time, as I'd like to please both the more competitive and casual sides to the bracket as best I can. I have some ideas on how to accomplish my plan for 3s but I won't go into any detail yet.
I somewhat agree with what you're saying, but at the same time I think it's very unreasonable to expect us to be able to sustain ~8 hours of queue times, especially with how new the bracket is. It can be a very big problem to push for this as well. Say for example we said games were going to be scheduled from 2 PM EST -> 10 PM EST which is an 8 hour window.
This allows players to be more "lazy" for when they log on and play ("well, games will still be happening for a long time so I'll just log on and play in a few hours") and all that will lead to is less games overall, and less players online at one time. Instead of ~70 players online with 3 Warsongs happening at once, we'll end up with ~30 players online and 1 Warsong, and also potentially experience times when there are not enough players for a game at all. It's a lot more reassuring to check your friends list and see players in a WSG rather than check it and see everyone still sitting in queue.
I think the time we have set for WSG night is very good currently. Saturday night is a time where a lot of people have free time. However for players in other areas of the world, the unfortunate reality is that if you'd like to participate, you'll have to either wake up early (Australians) or stay up late (Europeans). Eventually, queue times will simply extend themselves as more players become interested in playing and have more fun.
I won't be offended by what you say, don't worry. I like discussions and I'd be happy to talk with people more if they have things they'd like to talk about.
Anyway, first of all I'm not pushing for what I personally want. Due to my schedule, I will not even be able to take part in the vast majority of Arena queue nights on weekdays that I am trying to set up, but regardless of that I still think it's a great idea to help grow the bracket. Even if there aren't huge numbers participating on the Arena night, all it takes is roughly 10 players to get some diversity in the queues, and faction DOES NOT matter unlike WSG where faction imbalance can become a major issue and proceed to kill the games.
Secondly, it's highly implausible to regulate bracket activities to due "feelings" of players, and that's something that I definitely will not be making an effort to do. If some people aren't down to play on queue night, then there's nothing anyone can do about it, and hopefully there will still be numbers to get games going regardless. Allowing the players who have less interest and "don't feel like playing today" to essentially regulate the bracket is a horrible idea no matter how you look at it.
On top of that, if we try to shift things around it will do nothing but lead to confusion. Consistency is key, and creating more opportunities for players to enjoy themselves is what will keep the consistency going. This is the exact reason I am trying to push for an Arena night and premades; so there is more for people to look forward to rather than just pug WSG games once per week.
I'd like TI to the place people go to find info on the bracket. I'm not going to clear out my friends list in order to add 50 different 39 players to my battletag and spam real id messages whenever games happen. If other people would like to do it then by all means go ahead, but I personally don't think it's necessary. It's very simple for people to check these forums, and if we get all 39 players to check TI more often it will likely cause a lot more discussion as well which is obviously a good thing.
Who were the 19 counterparts who voiced interest in competing in 39 premades or at least fielding semis for pugs?
You should give arena another shot, it's actually really fun especially if you have a friend to queue up with. I was playing arena for hours all weekend.
my only updated 39 right now is an enhancement shaman, thats not enjoyable for anyone.
my only updated 39 right now is an enhancement shaman, thats not enjoyable for anyone.
Who were the 19 counterparts who voiced interest in competing in 39 premades or at least fielding semis for pugs?
Is DDOSing phones a thing?hey ill play can i giv a twink my # so they can hmu when twink pwns are about to happen would appresh
I am not Sudo, but thanks regardless
But yeah, I'm aware of the time and effort it's going to take to keep things moving. A big problem will likely be what you said: finding a guild to compete with us. If we can get that in place, things (hopefully) become easier. We have time though, I don't think its a big rush to have that pop up immediately, and there's only so much I can do to make a different guild actually happen. We can recruit groups of players but ultimately it's up to them whether they enjoy the bracket or not, so I feel it's mainly my job to ensure that they will enjoy themselves rather than babysit people through a guild creation process.
As for your question of commitment, at the moment 39s are the only thing I have any interest in playing. Regardless of my "success" at 19, I don't enjoy the gameplay there enough to stick around in pugs. The same for 29s and 99s, both of which I've played recently. I'm a competitive-minded person, and casual pug games only keep my interest for so long. As for 100, I feel as though the gameplay is really poor right now in both RBGs and arenas, and I have no motivation to even bother gearing my characters. If 39s die out, it's highly likely that I'll just stop playing until the new expansion.
Anyway, even though I'm the "bracketmaster" there's really only so much I can do for 39s. I can do my best to keep things rolling and introduce new things, but after all is said and done it's the community as a whole that decides if the bracket will live or die.
39's are that hot girl that many of us has been hurt by so many times that they have moved on to the big girls (19's, 70's, 115's).