staying lame or going gay?


Alot of things will change in MOP
Not just
spec and attacks

All things including
Overall dmg

If your class gets nerfed to hell are you rerolling or are u staying ur class no matter what?

I know i'll never leave my love (warriors)
Even if they get worse :)

Staying Hunter also, since Meat is my one true love.
Levelling a hunter for 60 though, as hopefully the new talent tiers will make them good (plus chimera at 60 will be sick) :3
I've spent too much time on this character just to toss it away, Staying with Eso until the bitter end, Per se.

And ow, y u no type like normal person. Red text with a funny font burns the eyes.
Alot of things will change in MOP
Not just
spec and attacks

All things including
Overall dmg

If your class gets nerfed to hell are you rerolling or are u staying ur class no matter what?

I know i'll never leave my love (warriors)
Even if they get worse :)


if i understand what you are asking and the criteria? stick with your class even if lame come MOP? reroll and be gay with the latest FOTM class

appears you are at the later already, looking at your signature block of listed 70's and incoming 70's. despite your claimed love for a warrior. you have already two OP class 70's and rolling 1-2 more 70's which is the sham is res-spec add another OP 70.

as for me, i have a 70 rogue, pal, and hunter. i have been playing my hunter lame, and rolling any new 70's for MOP. account is BC pandas or monks either
MoP will fuck fire spec. No dragon's breath, so blast wave, no ignite. I hate frost so i need to check if fire/arcane will be viable, but i think i'll not change my character...i worked too hard on my gear to stop play it.
As I do not know what will change and nothing is final yet, I will make that decision when I do know. Until then, and it is finalised, I will continue as before.

P.S. The cup is half full.
Good to see what ppl think! :)

And shanker

I love making a twinks, but atm if u search for my mage i dont even got it, it's deleted atm. with my 80 paladin. got 14 chars on shattered hand.

and i played make in wotlk (70) when it wasnt op.

Warrior ive played for 6 years,
Will be the one i play the most on 70 forever :)

But good to see how ppl think for MOP <3
Love u all


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