State of 19s ?


Hello, TI.

I recently transferred my main to Draenor horde for raiding purposes.

And I figured I might as well make a twink while I'm here.

Because I brought my main over, I have access to all BoAs, but sadly no access to grandfathered gear.

As the title of the thread says, I'm wondering what the state of 19s is.

I wouldn't ever consider rolling a rogue or hunter, so those can be left out of the class options.

While I do enjoy a challenge, I don't enjoy just being wtfpwnd by OP classes =p

So considering this all, what would you guys say are decent classes to roll nowadays ?

My preferences would probably be in a mage or warlock. Are those any good ?

Thanks in advance for the help!

TL;DR version:

Making a twink, what to roll aside from rogue/hunter.
Well, judging from your "I don't enjoy just being wtfpwnd by OP classes =p" you don't have many options.

Paladins are the only ones, whom stand a chance against the Hunter.
Hmmm, thats a good question. Right now I'd say you would need a twink that can handle them self against large numbers because of all the hunters/rogues. With that said I recommend a few classes....

Paladin - holy

Very good for FC/offensive heals

Can still do damage to other players and continue to keep themselves up

Paladin - prot

IMO prot takes more skill to play because u dont have instant cast heals but Avengers Sheild in place of that is very nice against healers. You still have word of glory as well

Druid (any spec)

Any spec for druids right now but require some sort of skill to play especially balance. Balance (aka baby boomkin) has extremely large crits, up to 1k with starsurge so thats always fun. Resto is also pretty good great for O healing as long as you arnt targeted, because you are only in leather you can get hit much harder then a pally wood. In your case you wont want feral probably cuz its to rogue like.

(this is what i play)


ATM fury and prot are the only viable specs. A warrior is extremely hard to take down if the have a good pocket healer with them. Since warriors lost overpower and hammy its a bit harder to control the state of the battle so it does take skill to play. On a scale of 1-10 for warriors...

Fury - 7.5

Because of dazing shout it is a bit like hammy in the fact that u can take out a hunter much quicker, but don't FC in this spec.

Prot - 7.5

Prot has a higher survivability rate, but again with a pocket healer. You can reach insane amounts of health compared to other classes. Adeus (Very good warrior) has about 2.5k hp unbuffed.

So thats all of my opinions. i hope this helped and i hope you enjoy twinking.

Grody1 said:
Mages are very good especially as frost, dont let splenderp convince you otherwise. There are some really impressive 19 mages running around right now

Good Mage got no chance against a good Hunter.
Splenderp said:
Good Mage got no chance against a good Hunter.

If they stand and trade shots with a hunter of course not, but they definitely have the abilities to kill one. There are a few incredibly good frost mages that can kill hunters when opportunity presents itself, and get away from them with no problem. That might change when auto-shot can be used while running, but for now, mages played well are up there with holy pally for hardest for a hunter to steamroll.
Wow, thanks for all the replies so far, well appreciated! =)

I do like the sound of warriors as well.

Might just level both to 19 and see which of Mage and Warrior I like best =)
Ryoushi said:
Wow, thanks for all the replies so far, well appreciated! =)

I do like the sound of warriors as well.

Might just level both to 19 and see which of Mage and Warrior I like best =)

Next patch warriors are going to be pet food. They're already not doing good, but with hunters getting moving autoshot, there's literally a 0% chance you will ever kill a geared hunter as a warrior.
squadbroken said:
that might change when auto-shot can be used while running, but for now, mages played well are up there with holy pally for hardest for a hunter to steamroll.

Good hunters already knew how to stop for auto-shot anyways =p Only needs a split second stop, not hard to time it with a swing timer.

Anywho, doesn't take long to level anyways, so think I'll stick to my plan of leveling one of both warrior and mage ^^
adeus does well as a warrior, but most the times i have seen him, he has been in the situation described in previous posts concerning a pocket healer whether intentional or not
Squadbroken said:
Next patch warriors are going to be pet food. They're already not doing good, but with hunters getting moving autoshot, there's literally a 0% chance you will ever kill a geared hunter as a warrior.

speed pots? lol
Ryoushi said:
Good hunters already knew how to stop for auto-shot anyways =p

This, but the problem with this change is it'll lessen the gap between good and bad Hunters.

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