State of 19's


Remind you of anyone?

I joke I joke


Are rogues viable at all now in wsg/ab after dps nerf?

How are fire mages?

Does anyone play warlocks anymore?

Do ret paladins have a place in premades?
Play Arcane/ frost mage. Arcane is damage doer these days
i have a good twink warlock...used to be they are only good for damage. if u want to live longer...locks are NOT for u...i rarely play my lock anymore and i wouldnt make a lock if i were u..i hear mages are pretty good.. ret pallies are rly good in general (if played right) and rogues are good against healers
Thats defiantly an opinion there.. because there are a lot of warlocks still playing. I know a few 19 locks in my guild just returned for Cata, and love it. They like Affliction as the new hotness.

Fire mages are trash, a 3.5 second cast time for Pyro is just stupid dumb. Arcane and Frost get monumental advantages over Fire.

Rogues open up well, but lack in sustained dps. A rogue that knows his shit is still good to have on your team.
Ret Pallys open up slow, taking a little while to build up 3 Holy Power for an effective Templar's Verdict. Defiantly requires some finesse to stay alive till that point.

There is a lot of QQ goin around about which class is weakest and which class is strongest. But for every person who says something sucks, another one says the same thing is awesome.
i just came back to wow and my rogue is better than ever imo. finally has a snare and shadowstep is amazing. i really wish assassination was viable though, i really like mutilate. loged in my lock once and couldnt stay alive for more then 2 seconds but that was before the rogue damage nerf. ill have to regear lock and give it another try.
I just started twinking again and here's what I've gathered:

rogues are good and fun, as always

mages are very, very different. frost/arcane all the way (no fire)

idk about locks

pallies are awesome!!!! any spec is great for a pally right now
When I am on my druid, I do not like getting near ret paladins. I save my PvP trinket purely for a Hammer of Justice, getting caught by a ret paladin's stun is usually never good since a good player will know to never roam around alone(meaning there will most likely be another person slapping me around while I am stunned along with the ret paladin).

Last night I saw this warlock putting DoTs on me. While in my FC gear, I was able to outheal his DoTs with rejuvenation. Nuff said(thought he could of been poorly geared)

Was fighting a Crit-Arcane Mage in a duel on my druid's healing gear. They have very decent, arguablly one of the strongest burst damage. I haven't seen any decent geared mages use frost spec yet, mostly people sitting at 800 health so i just /ignore them. I would think that Early frost and improved cone of cold talents would serve as a really nice CC with the combination of a water elemental. And frost mages might not have nice burst damage as an arcane mage but they can actually do 'okay' damage but moreso CC. And since paladins no longer have HoF, the only real classes that give frost mages problems with CC'ing are shamans and druids but shamans are so unplayed now adays that druids are the only ones that give a CC mage problems.

Summary: Ret Paladins are viable. Warlocks 'might' suck now but that's based on experience fighting a random one in wsg. Arcane mages are definately good if played correctly, unsure about frost mages' DPS but definately could do some good CC if played correctly.
Ret's alright; Prot's better.

Warlocks lack Survivability, so in all honesty they don't have much. Just tab dot, moreso than before 3.3.5.

Rogues are fine.

Fire Mage isn't worth it, Arcane has good burst + Imp CS. Frost is nigh unkillable stacking HP, save 3 Hunters or w/e bs you want to call.

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