Starting up, several last quick questions

I don't think there are significant advantages, lower mob hp of level 24 is perhaps compensated by higher damage of level 25, etc. Maybe I will get to level 25 for extra mobility from talents.
5) Some people group queue, some people solo queue. Joining a guild would be your best bet for this.

Right at the beginning of the expac, xp locked 29's were popping in 20 minutes for alliance and like, 2 minutes for horde... On my realm most twinks are alliance, not really sure why (I'm on Silver Hand)
Does 24 give an advantage that a 25 doesn't have ? Curious more than anything, no chance I'll roll a 24 as it won't have flying :D

It has a PvE advantage--every 5 levels the mobs spike in health/damage, so a 24 is gonna have a way easier time in dungeons than a level 25. Talents normally equalize this difference, but when twinks geared it doesn't.
I guess I can still do TBC instances first, but farming greens is definitely very appealing.
Worth noting that dungeon gear can still be obtained easily after gametime runs out while farmed greens can not be traded/mailed after that point. So if the concern is getting a toon ready before running out of gametime things like obtaining gems, enchants, BoEs, and professions should be prioritized as the difficulty of getting/leveling them dramatically increases without the ability to trade/mail/ah and some ilvl28 slots, relics for example, can't be farmed in drustvar or nazmir on your 20 afterwards
Right at the beginning of the expac, xp locked 29's were popping in 20 minutes for alliance and like, 2 minutes for horde... On my realm most twinks are alliance, not really sure why (I'm on Silver Hand)

It has a PvE advantage--every 5 levels the mobs spike in health/damage, so a 24 is gonna have a way easier time in dungeons than a level 25. Talents normally equalize this difference, but when twinks geared it doesn't.

Interesting still not interesting enough to roll a 24 - slightly easier time vs flying in Legion Zones on my 25. Choice isn't hard :D
Your post made me realize that maybe I am approaching it wrong. If I farm ilvl 28 greens, sure, this will take significantly longer than if I do TBC instances. But in return I get enough gear for multiple characters. And if I just keep farming from time to time, I can keep rolling different characters. (Plus the gear will have mastery, etc.)

I will think about it. I guess I can still do TBC instances first, but farming greens is definitely very appealing.

Out of curiosity, what spec have you been farming on?

Yeah, after one starts building up a bank of ilvl 28 greens and +7 relics, it makes the gearing choices easier. My next account I'll be gearing 4-5 new classes/specs with mostly ilvl 28 greens. However, I'm planning on making two amazingly annoying steady talasite toons, so will need full on TBC sockets. :)

For me on farming, I was ill prepared and had no plans for this long ass ilvl 28 green farm. I thought get TBC socket gear and I'd be done like the old days. I've been horde last couple expansions, but decided to fire up my old alliance toons. So ended up leveling my highest toon, a frost DK, to 50. Bought SL level 50 greens off auction house and all set to farm. Then had a leftover level 21 shaman on other account to use as the level 24 looter. I solo farm with those two and the frost DK plows through mobs fast. Sometimes I have to wait a few seconds on my paths as the spawns aren't spawning fast enough.

I've partied some with other farmers, but it feels slow. Due to my level 50 blows stuff up too fast, so if we have two parties going, have to round up mobs to gather in one spot to destroy. But then I use my level 24 shaman to do the round-up, but it's a terrible class without a spammable spell like ice lance. Using flame shock once due to cooldown, then have to use like frost shock but then frost shock slows mob movement. :p

If I had the time now, I'd have 3 accounts. Make a level 24 aoer, a level 24 round-up (frost mage with ice lance likely), and a third level 24 for more loot chances. Or the level 50 frost dk (or boomkin or arcane mage or whatever that wipes mobs fast) and two level 24's.

After 5 weeks of farming though, I'm sick of it LOL. Doing it over, I'd look into increasing one's chances at generating item drops for time spent. As one level 24 looter is too dang slow.
Also there's not all dungeons i would do with boosting myself, the ones you can queue for i would rather do in LFG system. as that enables personal loot which boosting doesen't.
Boosting makes you get legacy loot which means especially on last bosses you can end up doing about 60 runs before you get what you wanted.

Has anyone ever confirmed that there's a difference between the two? In legacy the boss drops 2 items, same as personal loot so far as i can tell. I've never seen more than 2 people get loot from any TBC boss, but sometimes it's less.

2 items drop from every boss... in legacy the group gets both regardless if proper type. In personal they just get divvyed up.

I dont personally believe different items drop in personal loot mode, you just cant get them if they dont match you. Say the group makeup is 2 leather, 1 plate and 1 cloth. In personal loot mode, what happens then when mail drops?

Sometimes there is no loot in personal mode, at all, have you noticed? Do you really believe nothing dropped? Or do we just believe everyone "failed" their loot roll...? Has anyone ever seen 3+ loot for a normal PL dungeon boss?

I havent. Ever. /shrug

As a secondary argument, what do you explain as to the dungeon week bonus when "all shadowlands final bosses drop an extra piece of loot..." Does everyone get an extra piece? Nope... I guess maybe 3 people might get loot in that.

I suppose I could try it out a dozen times and see, but i'm far too lazy to do that right now. ;)

I know how it's explained, I've just never personally seen a difference between the two... or had better luck in personal.

Personal Loot
Introduced in Mists of Pandaria, Personal loot is the default for all group content. Under personal loot, the game chooses a number of players (based on group size) and awards them a random item for their spec, while everyone else receives an amount of gold specific to them. Mounts can also be won via this method from bosses that drop them. Like solo looting, the drops are retrieved by directly looting the corpse of the boss, with the chat logs showing who's won something. Loot from Personal Loot is tradeable to anyone in the group, as long as it is also not an ilvl upgrade for yourself.

edit- so... i was too curious and ran some RFC. All plate wearers, just the first boss, 5 runs 4 toons and 3 more with 5 toons. The first boss only has one drop for plate (only 5 drops at all tho lol) and every single run one toon got the drop - and every single run the ONLY blue loot was that one drop. That's way worse than legacy, IMO.

I mean just queueing up to try for personal loot, trying to beat 4 other people for ONE chance at loot per boss... not for me. Now I could see stacking the deck, which I'm very interested in doing, and limiting the armor type that is able to drop using personal loot. That could be very useful.

Problem there is that if the item is an upgrade you cant trade it (same with legacy) so there's a need for fully-geared help.

But if say there's only one drop per boss regardless if 2 people or 5 people in the party, that's useful indeed.

edit- ok, 2-party isnt enough to force personal loot, not in TBC at least, gonna have to make a few more 15's...

edit- 3-party isnt enough either... starting to question the results i got from RFC due to only 5 possible drops, lol.
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If I had the time now, I'd have 3 accounts. Make a level 24 aoer, a level 24 round-up (frost mage with ice lance likely), and a third level 24 for more loot chances.

Are you saying that if I kill a mob outside of a party, I get X (chances at) loot, and if I kill the same exact mob in a party, each character in that party gets X (chances at) loot, so the entire party gets X*N (chances at) loot with N being the number of characters?

I don't know why, but I had an impression that loot is proportional to the number of mobs killed, and does not depend on the number of looters. That is, if there are multiple looters, each gets a portion of the same loot. Is this not how it works, is loot proportional to the number of looters? If so, that's indeed a huge difference. (I guess that might be part of what they are capitalizing on with 2x4 farms.) Is it enough to be in a party or does everyone need to do at least some damage to the mobs killed? If there's no need to be hitting mobs, I will just park one 24 somewhere and use a different 24 to run circles around her killing everything, then loot on the parked one every 2 minutes or so to avoid loot despawning.
That is, if there are multiple looters, each gets a portion of the same loot.

Each person in the group can get loot from each mob killed, so you get more chances at loot because groups kill more.

Pretty certain other members of your party have no affect on your personal chance at loot for open-world mobs. I got way more BoE than solo by running a level 50 BM monk killing while 3 level 25 toons sat AFK just looting corpses intermittently.

And say you kill a rare spawn, every person can get the special drop from it. Sometimes everyone in the party does.
(i think it used to be guaranteed all members did, I got a ton of because of the rare outside BRD)

edit- think it used to be the way you described, evenly split. Back when they had the different loot modes.

Oh lord, I miss Master Loot so.... :oops:
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On parking an idle 24 in one spot. Like the Felskorn farming is fine just sitting in middle near a tree and near the cart. But for spots like the imps in Val'Sharah, I set to follow the level 50 as usually can't stand in a single spot or the imps will take you out back and have their way with you.

So it's been a couple weeks since I've seen badly geared level 50 boomkins making the same pattern in our hyperspawns. Today they were back with a vengeance. It's the most boomkins I've seen together. And they were opposite faction and tagging every mob gray so couldn't share loot. :\ Silver lining though, I went to Azsuna murloc beach since it's alot of distance to cover for the boomkin army. My favorite spot near the mini murloc boss is still perfect. The spawns were so fast that mountains of bodies were piling up. The most greens and lockboxes (8) I've gotten in a short period of time. So yeah, the boomkin army is good for something. :)
But for spots like the imps in Val'Sharah, I set to follow the level 50

I didnt really like that spot, but i used my 24 to tag the imps and left my BM 50 idle doing my 2 button DPS every 8 secs. With the statue, if you just get them close to that they wont have much "way with you" (lol)... it worked.

So it's been a couple weeks since I've seen badly geared level 50 boomkins

I tried Drustvar pigs yesterday (hated it) and last night two boomkins were bot-spamming their stuff, so i started tagging everything and letting them help kill it... yeah, when the rare got aggroed they would die. Lol, so much for help.

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