Starting another twink rogue

I recently rerolled on ruin, and have already made a lock twink, but I'm beginning to miss playing a rogue. It's too much of a hassle waiting hours just for one BG pop on my current twink rogues server, so I'm wanting to make a new one on ruin. v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

This is what I have so far, I'm used to being an undead, so the racial decision is really screwing me. The expertise from human is tempting along with the free trinket slot, but the extra trinket slot is just making me look at it as more work. Escape Artist is also looking very nice, I'm thinking 1v1 I could maybe possibly stand a chance, against a half geared hunter if I have all my cooldowns up.

I was also thinking about dropping the Fang gloves/Deviate belt for Nimble gloves/Fang belt. I'm not sure if this is worth it, but it was a thought.

Lastly, in your individual opinions, who's the best resto druid you know, or have seen. I'm wanting to check out some good resto armories.

P.S. my main on Mag is an oldschool enchanter so it wont be half assed on enchants like lifesteal was. :p
If your going to roll a rogue go human. If you hate the human animations go nightelf as they have the most OP racials in the game. I'd take herb and eng on the human for minor recomboulator and agm + bombs sheeps and the works. Nimble gloves is a waste. Expertice isn't really all that important at this level especially with most rogues having less than 32%dodge and the diminishing returns on it. Make it almost a usless stat. Fang gloves, pants, and boots all you need.

I'd love to tell you not to waste your time making another rogue on ruin, or any 19 for that matter. I personally don't like the bracket anymore, but what do I know. Its not fun to me anymore, I'd rather do 2's or 3's on my 80 with freinds and do TOC hmodes. I play about half as much as I did amonth ago and I'll probably cut that time in half again. Just stay away from bloodhoof baddies and the We're b1tch3s, full of excuses crowd.(cuz 19 skirmishes are srs bizness)
I suppose that's true about the nimble's, but now I'm really taking NE into consideration. Mainly for the ability to Shadowmeld, but 2% to be missed by those hunters is pretty huge.

I doubt I'll have the patience to get an AGM, it's very difficult with all the 80's who want the achievement, and then any other twinks working on it as well. As far as wasting time goes, well I have a lot of time, and I actually enjoy spending the time gearing up twinks. It's not quite as fun gearing up an 80, and it generally only takes me a few days to get the standard twink gear excluding AGM/fishing hat.
not a bad build. You way over hit cap however. Grabbing the expertise gloves is an option, but not neccassary. I'd grab 4/4 monkey gloves and put fang belt, since your ally you'll be hitcapped against all horde and you'll have some better stats. Just my 2 cents dude. Also watchout unholy>fiery possibly next patch. It will most likely be cut a little it hits far too hard atm.
best resto druid is probobly juggernautzz, because not that many ppl roll resto druid
i would go HU or NE .....these are the most rolled rogues, Blizz has a love for them (due to they play them or their kids do) and makes sure their racials somewhat equal these 2 out but trounce other race rogues overall in 1 vs 1 rogue. Blizz so called nerfed these 2 races on WOTLK patch, yet actually buffed them over the top.

HU have

+1 stealth detect

+spirit heal faster out of combat

+expertise with swords/maces

basically a level 70+ two minute CD PVP trinket racial

NE have

most dodge of any race (gnomes are undocumented second)

+1 steath

2% hit reduction against them

2% nature spell resist

shadow meld does way more than what the tool tip says: removes rooting, frost nova, pet netting, allows player to take up to 4 steps before reappearing, plus more. also allows NE to transfer to stealth and reopen on you

i had a 19 gnome can you say "DELETED", when you go into arena you face players of your faction at times. i have a 70 gnome rogue....this player awaits the race change feature.

i currently have a 15 NE and 19 HU rogue....FAR SUPERIOR to any other alliance rogue i have tried or horde.....HANDS DOWN.

Horde wise IMO, undead rogues are way overated and actually gimped facing other MELEE classes

UD have

200% underwater breathing....yeah real gamebreaker

2% shadow spell resists

cannibilize - IMO worthless....cooked foods or bandaging faster and superior

WOTF - overall in 19 bracket does nothing for the HUGE amount of hunters, shammies, druids, and mages in 19 bracket.

btw...i have 3 UD players, 2 of them rogues will get switched to BE or ORC.
shanker said:
undead rogues are way overated and actually gimped

duh-duh-duh-duhhhh, duhhh duh!

cant peel this.

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