EU Starting 19's worth it?


Is it worth starting out on 19's right now? I'm a formee 29 player and 19's player waaaaay back. Might get into it again if the bracket is actice AND competitive. If it is, whoch side should i roll? Not asking the best faction, just the most competitive(even if win/loss ratio is bad) which server schould i roll? Any guilds on that server?

We used to have a bunch of wargames on horde side before BFA released. BFA obv. meant that people were giving twinks a bit of a break to level their mains and try out the new content etc. etc., but I believe that most will come back to twinking eventually when endgame gets stale, which it almost always does after a while with these newer expansions.

Draenor is the hub for horde, and Aszune / Ravencrest / Outland seems to be the go-to for alliance players. We even had horde vs alliance premade late legion / bfa pre-patch, which in the end, got better and better honestly.

Personally, I might be looking to return to 19's soon as well.

For guilds, Draenor has Better Luck Next Time, Aszune has Queuing Is The Best Bit
Definitely worth it! I believe 19s is the most active bracket (At least in NA, not sure for EU). My advice would be to check out both the 19s EU Directory as well as the Guild Recruitment sections for info regarding faction/server/guild choice. I wish I could give more specific info, but I'm not familiar with EU servers. Here is the link to the 19s EU Directory and here is the link to the 19s Guild Recruitment Forum. If you're interested in watching competitive play, Twink Cup just happened a few weeks ago and you can check out the Vods Stream 1 Stream 2. On NA, my guild is working to get more structured/competitive wargames going soon which we plan to stream from individual player perspectives. Also, here is the link to the 19s Quick Start Gearing Guide.
Eu is fairly active atm, our main problem is lack of flow in twinks on horde side. It tends to get somewhat competetive.
If you are looking for a guild Dreanor or Stormscale should be it

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