
I start a 101 hunter last night and need advise on which way to go with talents that work well for pvp and pve and farming with. add me to btag if you like milixus#1804!!!
Don't all twinks aoe in a pve situation because of how large the pulls can be? All around I'd roll a MM

Of course!

MM has a significantly higher aoe dps than BM, so I thought I'd let him know!

BM is usually the go to spec because of their higher single target dps. But it limits you to only pve as they aren't as efficient in pvp/ipvp
I have a BM hunter that is about 75% finished (in sig), she's a monster! The things you need to consider when making a 101 are budget and what you will be spending most of your time doing. If it's PvE then play whatever is most fun to you because every 101 twink can do well. If you will be doing a large amount of WorldPvP then you do not want any class or spec that utilizes many spells.

The hit/miss ratio for spells is horrid against a 110. For this reason alone I went BM since the majority of my abilities are physical damage. I do ok in WPvP but as 110 players continue to near and surpass the 900 ilvl mark it's getting more and more difficult to win.
i went BM but i was wondering where to put my AP into my wepaon and traits i should be taking that Key for 101 twinking.
Left/Top side until Surge of the Stormgod (R18 by that point, including Master of Beasts Elite Talent). Continue around to Titan's Thunder (R26 by that point). The only other point you probably want for WPvP is Spirit Bond so that KC heals you for 15% of it's damage done.

EDIT: For Relics you want the 810's if you can get them, if not go double Pack Leader so KC does 10% more dmg or double Jaws of Thunder for 20% higher chance of it's proc.
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my BM 101 is my highest ilvl twink and i find it badass in ipvp and ok at Dungeon farming if you are the solo twink, however pets are very sluggish, Hati i find to absolutely balls, normally doesnt even move from my side until my main pet has actually attacked, if you are pulling big packs, your 3 main damaging abilities rely on having to wait for your pets to move.

That being said, i wish i had gone MM for PVE, not sure how it would have played in ipvp but BM is good for BGs.

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