Staging a Come Back

Note: This post is similar to Shirk's but I didn't want to hijack that thread so I apologize if it seems a bit redundant.

Anyway, I quit WoW/twinking altogether back in December. I haven't logged on since nor have I stayed current with forums/patch notes whatsoever. That being said, I feel WoW tugging at my soul once again and I plan to start playing my rogue again hardcore. I have a few specific questions, but I will supply my armory link for any advice in general. Please feel free to comment on items I didn't directly touch on. Your reasoning behind your thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance for any and all help!

My 39 Rogue

Specific Questions:

1) I noticed that in patch 3.0.8 they reinstated the level requirements for gathering professions. Prior to this patch and my absence from the game, I trained up to the Master Level (375 cap) in both Herbalism and Mining. It looks like even if I reach 375 Herbalism I won't be able to use Lifeblood - Rank 5. Is this a correct assumption because of the level requirement to cast this rank? Furthermore, is there a level requirement to realize the buff from Toughness - Rank 5? In other words, if I were to log on tomorrow and level up my mining to 375, could I receive an additional 30 stamina? Or can I not level to 375 even though I have trained to the Master level pre-3.0.8?

2) Is Comfortable Leather Hat better than Expert Goldminer's Helmet? If so, should I change out the +15 hit enchant on my gloves for +15 agility? How much hit is ideal these days anyway?

3) Monolithic Bow or Baelog's Shortbow?

4) Are Robes of the Lich actually better than the Warden's Wraps? What is the % to crit difference factoring in the +12 agi advantage of the wraps? I find it hard to believe the dress is really better, so convince me :p

5) What glyphs should I be using these days? I quit right after they first came out, so I am sure changes have occurred since then.

Well I think that's about it. I plan to get the Mallet as my MH. Oh, and I have Vanquisher's as my other OH with +AGI as well. As previously mentioned, any and all comments welcome. Thanks again! v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

You can only get bealog if your horde, but if you are you can upgrade a little. You can only train skills to 300 at 39 but in my opinion you should go with herb and minning. Others would disagree with me saying engineering > minning but it's not worth the gold to me.

The rest of your questions should be answered by looking at the char sheet.
Druiddroid said:
while i'm not sure if it will quite answer your questions,

this is a great guide for any 39 sub rogue to follow

Hey thanks for the link. That guide is definitely well done for the most part. I should have mentioned I read the guide prior to posting. I am still seeking clarifcation on certain points brought up in the guide (i.e. Robes vs. Wraps) as well as other specific questions (see OP). v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

You can only get bealog if your horde, but if you are you can upgrade a little. You can only train skills to 300 at 39 but in my opinion you should go with herb and minning. Others would disagree with me saying engineering > minning but it's not worth the gold to me.

The rest of your questions should be answered by looking at the char sheet.

I really appreciate the response, but perhaps you should look at my armory page. I am indeed horde or else I wouldn't have even mentioned Baelog's. Also, if you read Question #1 in my post (or refer to my armory link), you can see I have already trained (but have yet to level) to 375 cap on both professions. Will these be automatically adjusted back down to 300? I heard those who trained before 3.0.8 were grandfathered in. Sorry if this question was confusing. Thank you for the link for the character planner. It looks extremely helpful! Wish they had this around back in February last year when I was raiding BT/Sunwell.

Please keep the responses coming!
I would definatly keep those proffs, I'm fairly certain you can't get that high any more. Also I will customize one for horde rouges, their slightly better than alliance.

I'll answer your questions below

1.) You only get the new rank when you are able to train, so no maxing them wouldn't do anything far from make your char sheet look pretty :D

2.) Follow the char I make, he will prob have comfortable leather hat.

3.) Again, guide, but obviously it will baelogs

4.) No wardens wraps are superior, agil atributes to AP, crit and dodge where as crit adds to... well crit. As a side note, you will want to focus more on AP once you break 20% crit. Another random fact to throw in, 30 hit is concidered a need in 39 because it means you won't blow a large CD like blind and have it miss. (just incase you were un-aware)

5.) It's up to you, but I use glyph of sprint, crippling posion, and vanish. Hemo glyph seems tempting but if you really look at it 40% of 13 is like 4... waste. For minor theirs really only one good choice, glyph of vanish.

Here's the new build v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner , for some reason it won't save the spec, ask if you need anything else :D
another thing is if you arent able to use your current lifeblood ( i dont see why you shouldnt be able to be) but anyways just bug GMs about it
Thank you so much for the replies. I am still a bit confused on the proffs, but it sounds like even if I level my Herb from 310 to 375 I won't be able to use the new rank of Lifeblood that comes with 375 skill. Is that the same for mining then if I were to level it up to 375 from 283? If someone could clarify that would be great.

Also, I read that placed a level requirement on a lot of the enchants I currently have. First of all...WTF Blizzard? Can someone verify this for me. Do I get grandfathered in to keep the benefits from my enchants? Which ones will I no longer benefit from? (If I no longer benefit from my Naxx shoulder enchants I might freak out).

Lastly, can you still do Librams for helm enchants? From the guide this appears to be a no. Will my current +100hp still benefit me.

Oh, and FML if my enchants don't buff me anymore. Sad sad sad day for me. I was soooo pumped to come back.
Librams no longer work on head or legs

Leg Patchs no longer work

Some enchants had there levels bumped up, none of the enchants are grandfathered as far as I know

You cannot use your gathering profession buffs if they exceed your max cap for your level, you can either re-level them or bug a gm to reduce it(remember to be nice).
Naturaltalnt said:
Librams no longer work on head or legs

Leg Patchs no longer work

Some enchants had there levels bumped up, none of the enchants are grandfathered as far as I know

You cannot use your gathering profession buffs if they exceed your max cap for your level, you can either re-level them or bug a gm to reduce it(remember to be nice).

:( Will my Naxx shoulder enchants still supply me a buff? /pray

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