Special shoutouts to my homies :
Vianco: Great GM, great community leader, excellent player on whatever class he play, sometimes he complain about RNG resists it make him even more funny, keep it up bro.
Stubs: Great mate, excellent player,he just should stop gay pic on skype <3 huddinge best football team swe and robin
Nicozy: Everybody think he is the bad boy one, but jk he is the coolest in the trio who lead TL/RL. Keep it up mate.
Reece: also a nice mate, play pretty much everything well even if heisnottwinked. 1 day UK will be full of beautiful birds i swear.
Arkant: Very smart guy, he is know as the only one PTR numbers legend, he is the best theorycrafter whole of time and the original fotmscumx, also his personality is still a mistery (we just know he is a no mic german that's it !).
Nazzr: The chillest twink ever met ! Keep it up Rocco.
Ondura: A really cool and skilled guy
keep it that way mate.
Whosyurdaddy: The last skilled french, big banana UI must be a big joke to get farmed by him when you see his UI.
Khoma: "T'as cru que faisait les trucs a moitié couz ?"
Thai: " Si mon pet meurt je meurs" "PUTAIN MON PET"
Spam: a very cool guy.
Nick and ferla : cool frenchs, awesome dudes.
Yowza: best CA, 10/10 would bang over and over !
Derv: Even if i think the noise on skype is due to your bear yoddle and you should mute your mic, you are one of the funniest ever even if you are "dogshit". Ahahahah
Hajima : a very cool guy he got the treasure of blingotron.
Saxxon : a very cool guy aswell and best rogue NA.
Sneaky : sad you are gone your shaman was the best, thanks for the pass to US trip dorever in my heart muslim bro.
old legends: Clysthene / Portvakten / Ivi / Koni / Lomithrani / Powpowpow / Aleadora / Akopra / Vulcain / Happymheal / Jaimepasheal.
Meet you TL/RL crew @ Tomorrowland next year <3