Carrying on the way Drugs did in his post, I have a group of people to address, people that have kept me wanting to come back and play this game after I thought I had quit for good. Not all of them are 19s though.
Keekers/Blarpa - an old school twink from way back in the Nightfall group's 29/39 days, this guy was one of the best players I've ever shared a game with and quite possibly the happiest, most upbeat guy ever. He got me into twinking, and taught me so much.
All of the players from the 29 Glass Shooter FTL 29 bracket revival; Phazz, Haggie, Donteventrii, Euphonix, Symbolik, Phat, etc etc - I learned so much more about twinking during this time, and I probably wouldn't be here if it weren't for these people.
Mitch, Outplayedqt, all of the PTL 39s - after revealing a master trolling campaign that I was behind, these guys embraced me with open arms and we had some of the best times I've ever experienced in this game. Both incredibly effective at any class they played, they were super fun to be around and were always teaching me new things to improve my play.
Wbernstein/mtvriffraff - similarly to what Drugs said about him, one of the smartest and most chill dudes to ever play the game. From the helpful rogue tips to being drunk in vent or Skype bsing about financial advice and UFC to trying to carry my crap 90 rogue through 2s, Bern's one of the coolest people I've met in game.
Mocha - welcoming me into his guild shortly upon my arrival in 19s and helping me learn the bracket, Mocha's one of the nicest guys ever, and one of the best players in this game that barely anyone will admit to because of forum drama or whatever. I've learned a ton from him as well, and we've spent a bunch of cool nights just hanging out in Vent chatting about anything and everything. His taste in music is sketchy though
Silin - she was present in most of the late night vent bs sessions with Mocha and I back before I stopped playing. Despite her rugged exterior and that she doesn't seem to like me much these days, Silin's a sweetheart and she helped to make playing this bracket enjoyable.
Here's a shout out to a few players who have helped make my gaming experience enjoyable that I still love but don't have time to write paragraphs about: Laurasia, Eliot, Hunnybuns, Agonist, Zeiren, Sapbot, Casino, Discover, Lolpzlate, Idiote, Theo/Rheo/God (one of his billion 19s lol)