Sponsor Level 10 PvP Prot Warrior


Achievement Hunting
Hey I haven't done a rate my twink for this twink yet. He is the most precious twink I have, which I've spent the most time on :)
I have full BiS in Arms, Fury, & Prot (Avoidance, stam, and pvp).
Currently logged off in my Prot pvp set-up.
Please be critical, I am looking for some serious advice in case I've been looking at my gearing in the wrong angle! :)


My Twink: Sponsor
Your twink is cool :)
Pandas have 4sec Stun which is extremely useful for tat pesky healers + lets you wait 4 sec free for next shield slam. You have good transmo.
Only thing is professions, but if you prefer engi over skinning that is your choice :)

Engineering is very nice for that extra CC, though. Especially for a prot FC.
Missing +16 armor on pants.
Yeah the reason I took Panda was for the stun, as warriors (and almost no lvl 10s) have no interrupts or stuns. A nice 4 sec stun could give you a game changing bandaid, interrupt a heal, or like Crystal said, to wait off a CD :)
(I have to agree that they are ugly though)
I used to have skinning, but I find having bombs and AoE Stun grenades is a bit more useful on the long run :)

Haha I knew someone was gonna bring up the 16 armor. In all honesty, I've been aware that I am missing that enchant for about 3 months now, I could honestly care less about it cuz it isnt my tanking/avoidance set where armor is a must. However, my tanking pants have the 16 armor.
But yeah, I should definitely try and grab that armor to pants eventually lol.

Thanks for the feedback! Keep it coming ;)
It's me again, and I come here with a question:
If only way to get into xp-on bg (and tbh only bg because xp-off dont pop) is to unlock exp and hold flag in game, rogues are in deep sht without stealth. Any other way? Or I have to reroll? ;/

If I want to to for warrior BiS (not because he is FoTM, but because when I was making my lvl 10 I was torn between rogue OP ambush and Sponsor's cute char :D) I would have to go as goblin, get http://www.wowhead.com/item=58499 and then faction change to alliance?
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Idk the 10-14 activity on EU but your best bet if you wanted to keep your rogue would be to group up with another twink :)

Hahaha im glad my cuteness stands up to the OPness of Ambush! ;) But yes, Goblin gloves would be BiS if you arent looking for max crit! I have never tried getting a goblin out as lvl 10 but from what my friends have told me, you would need to lvl up with 2-3 friends and kill the lowest lvl mobs for quests (and use no BoAs obviously) :)

IMO, I would create emails and make trial accounts and multibox! :)

Best of luck!
Get armor on leggs :x.
I would say there are just small things to change depending on gameplay style. Enchant weapon icy chill is a great addition for CC. I believe Blime tried that for a bit - in the end he preferred crusader. I agree with engineering for a warrior, however as a FC the extra 70 health may be better especially with a pocket healer.

If you have not done so already, level JC and make a million heavy stone statues and stack them in your bank --> then relevel the prof you dropped. This way you get "3" profession benefits.

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