Sponsor Does It Again


Achievement Hunting
Just when you thought this bad ass level 10 twink was up to nothing good and was just ruining WSG pops for the whole 10-19 bracket, BA-BAM, SPONSOR STRIKES AGAIN!

Starting out FIVE months ago, Deej, Lluyd, Healstrong and I got together and made a decision that we would soon regret, severely. We wanted to follow Roskmeg's footsteps and farm those 4,000 Ethereum Prison Key - Item - World of Warcraft. These keys, ultimately get you exalted with the Sha'tar, Keepers of Time, Consortium, Lower City, Cenarion Expedition, and Sporeggar. Sadly, due to IRL business Healstrong had to drop out early in the project. Deej, Lluyd and I continued on this 3 man grind, farming each of us around roughly 1.2k+ keys each.

Tonight, I am insanely proud to announce that the five gruesome months of farming Mana-Tombs is over. Myself and almost both of my partners (they arent humans so theyre only a bit behind) have reached the exalted status in not only one.. but ALL SIX REPUTATIONS possible for this method. I AM DONE AND I HAVE SURVIVED THE GRIND!!

I wanted to share this with everyone in this bracket because many of you 19 twinks #Idiote , rusks, Cipe Skeezin only know me because of their disagreement with 10 twinks due to my lack of levels in the gulch, and its latent effects on the game's outcome. In reality not many people know how much true dedication and time I have invested in my 10 twink (which is why I take a lot of things to heart when it comes to bashing 10 twinks, so I hope you understand). I am a hardcore twink that enjoys his own form of hard sport and competitiveness in my insanely crazy way. I am more than just the twink that farmed GY in exp on BGs, I am one of the last remaining veteran 10 twinks from the older times. I have fought countless wsg's with the two and only legendary Skope and Podie, the worlds only 10s with Arathi Basin rep @ exalted. Ive been around long enough to see several level 10 twink world records be broken by Ioerror with the Thunderfury Boss, and myself when we took 20 twinks down to Hellfire to kill a Fel Reaver. We've been there to welcome Lifeblood and to say fair well to it in October 2014 </3 . So I would like to also take advantage of this thread and hopefully be able to put all of our differences aside and all the issues we've had between 10s and 19s.

In a concluding note,

HUGE shout out to Deej, Lluyd, Healstrong, and coolbank for helping with this IMPOSSIBLE farm!
Also a huge thanks to [MENTION=26782]aislingyngaio[/MENTION] for always keeping us company for countless hours while we opened the cells even though you were not getting any reputation <3

My name is SPONSOR and I am unofficially the world's first 10 twink to have challenged and defeated the Ethereum Prison Key grind.


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Lower City!
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Keepers of Time!
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Cenarion Expedition!
View attachment 5556

Thank you all, have a wonderful night! I GET TO SLEEP NOW! *yay*


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never let any 1 tell ya what toon u can and cant play....... hell if i could take coolbank into wsg i would he is my prized toon with nearly 30 days /played time on him level 1 diplomat (got explorer on him pre account wide) and will be farming other reps in the future to get my 25 tabard achieve on him (10 off) i will also be trying to grind warbringers for mounts/rep tokens to get all exalted with panda reps! he has 2 gfd tabards and will buy the others in time (have tabard of nature and fury among other swag tcg items) like the turtle that i have had since wrath)
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never let any 1 tell ya what toon u can and cant play....... hell if i could take coolbank into wsg i would he is my prized toon with nearly 30 days /played time on him level 1 diplomat (got explorer on him pre account wide) and will be farming other reps in the future to get my 25 tabard achieve on him (10 off) i will also be trying to grind warbringers for mounts/rep tokens to get all exalted with panda reps! he has 2 gfd tabards and will buy the others in time (have tabard of nature and fury among other swag tcg items) like the turtle that i have had since wrath)

i was with ya on the felreaver kill i was healing that day haha

I agree. 19s are so hard for recruiting endgame players and 39s but have been talking trash to 10s. If you're going to cry about comps / undergeared players / lower levels why not grow a pair and do wargames instead where these are not issues at all.

/support for the 10s community. Always will be my 2nd favorite to 19s. Post Wrath 10s community has been the most respectful and patient community I've ever encountered.
I agree. 19s are so hard for recruiting endgame players and 39s but have been talking trash to 10s. If you're going to cry about comps / undergeared players / lower levels why not grow a pair and do wargames instead where these are not issues at all.

/support for the 10s community. Always will be my 2nd favorite to 19s. Post Wrath 10s community has been the most respectful and patient community I've ever encountered.

the guy 19 and over that streams already said he respected me for playing my 10 hunter because i did very well for being 10... i mean top 3 or so while playing an objective and beating out a person from a top guild that was a 19 hunter...... its not the level or gear its how you play period

plus 10s are harder to play so its adds a bit more of a rush when u do well in a bg
the guy 19 and over that streams already said he respected me for playing my 10 hunter because i did very well for being 10... i mean top 3 or so while playing an objective and beating out a person from a top guild that was a 19 hunter...... its not the level or gear its how you play period

plus 10s are harder to play so its adds a bit more of a rush when u do well in a bg

I know many bis 19s who do 200,000 damage every game yet never once do any relevant damage that aid in objectives. I rarely do over 40k damage on my ret pally, ww monk or rogue but most of my time I'm off healing / CCing and really only doing relevant damage. Not like ambushing pets or spread EF dot damage for charts. Focused damage is far superior than destroying the damage charts. 10s may not have the pressure a 19 does, however if they're focusing better on objectives and their priorities are in check (there's only one 10 that comes to mind off the top of my head who I see going for charts) they'll actually cause more pressure than a boomie just mouseover dot spamming with EF.

I have so much respect for those 10s who have stayed with them post Cata. Shows how ungrateful most 19s are. I was a huge 10s player in TBC / Wotlk and every xpac I make a new version of my old trolololol 10 priest named Maadhealz (I named him that because back in TBC I was healing crits for 400 and everyone was like wtf Mocha and then I'd outheal them)

Still thorough.... wtb dodge rogue again T-T

/salute 10s
Nice twink @ Sponsor.

Won't think about the time u spend for this project.
But great congrats from me, too.
To spend as much time for your twink shows that you realy love her.
This hard work should be priced from all of us with doo much respect. So salute to you!

Really nice work!
5 months is really long ;o
i started farming keys 2 weeks ago in bitween pops since they're so slow on EU And am currently on 1500 keys and doing it with one other person. Altough its pretty cool that you did it on a lvl 10 and its a really cool character if not the coolest 10 ^^
Congratz on completion of this horrible grind ;p
5 months is really long ;o
i started farming keys 2 weeks ago in bitween pops since they're so slow on EU And am currently on 1500 keys and doing it with one other person. Altough its pretty cool that you did it on a lvl 10 and its a really cool character if not the coolest 10 ^^
Congratz on completion of this horrible grind ;p

You guys recruiting? Been thinkin of getting another.
[MENTION=16240]Goesid[/MENTION] It is not indeed! And if I remember correctly you were one of the first F2Ps on EU who did this, correct? :p
[MENTION=6446]Mocha[/MENTION] Your support is really .. well, supportive! Feels nice to have you checking our backs :) We all know Laura's Lilkekki is to blame for your love for 10s <3
[MENTION=24438]sicknature[/MENTION] You are a better twink than I am if you do this WHOLE grind on your own, crazy-man! :p
[MENTION=6815]Dramatized[/MENTION] This rep grind is most definitely the hardest twink grind there is to do. I was overjoyed when I got mine finished, and just had to scream it out to someone! But yeah congratulations to you! You should definitely "like" this thread ;) Its been a long time since we played together on Aerie Peak!

@ All thank you so much for all the heart-warming words. Seeing people recognize all the efforts people put in their twinks is really satisfying and encouraging; hard work DOES pay off. The whole 10 twink community has been through so much in the past few expansions (endless Q times, nerf bats to the face). WoD might not be the best expansion for us, but it sure did bring all of us closer together in our new 10-19 bracket, since we need to stick together to face all the 19s! :)

Thanks again everyone! Keep being awesome

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