/spit, chain sap, etc, the 24s...

Namelezz said:
Well played sir.

Anyway, what I mean is the reason there are level 20 twinks is because...well it's F2P. Level 24s are taking advantage of that so they twink just so they can be on top. And really a trial twink isn't really all that special. All you get is low level enchants, even someone without enchants can still compete with you :p

Of course you get heirlooms as well, but they're not really as OP as how they would be if you were P2P. Wink wink

every wow p2p player has the right to roll a 24 and gy cmap so stop trying to cry about it
Why do we keep posting these threads? 99% of the 24s are bad. If you get stomped by them... who cares, you weren't suppose to win anyway. If you kill them then that's hilarious (1v1 I'm talking). Win/Win.

I kill them all the time but then again I'm a resto shaman so anything 1v1 is hilarious.


P.S. I have a 24 though so I've seen the appeal of being "godlike." It really just gets stupid to a point. If you want to farm kids, do it, you paid the money but if you're entertained by that then maybe you should go play something with a younger community (like runescape) to match your maturity.
earthpig said:
And being equally rude to 24 twinks on your own team if they say anything in /bg (people genuinely leveling through and not twinking are cool).

But otherwise towards other f2p, of course, being a gentlemanly and polite player.

I try to sap, unstealth, /spit, re-stealth, sap, sap, gouge, sprint away.

If they catch me, /sit and die without resisting.

Do you support this type of activity, with the goal of making the game as unpleasant as possible for the pay-to-win players?

Double post to quote the glory of how retarded this truly is. Go some balls and fight them.

You act like you do this to only 24s but you do it to my 20 shaman because you're not smart enough to realize opening on a resto shaman isn't going to be a 1 shot and yeah, you're going to die.
seriously, most of the 24s are really bad players who need to team up in order to kill anything, even losing when they have 4 levels of stats/gear/talents plus the twink chants. the flame crap they post in the f2p section seems to indicate that they are either confused by the onset of puberty, or raging after 40 years in their mom's basement.

ridingon24 said:
A twink is someone who gets the bis gear bis enchantments and bis level . Playing the 20-24 bracket reminds me of the time where twinks and levelers would be in the same bracket and i could farm gy for hours . HEck even the mods will probably agree with me on this definition of twinks even though i got banned by them before Fact: twinks were made to pwn and farm levelers dont deny it most of you rolled a twinks to "pwn" noobs b4

while i agree that f2ps are not twinks, i still think most of this is wrong.

the term "twink" originally came from the gay community where a wealthy older man would find a pretty young boy, and buy him lots of fancy clothes and haircuts and manicures.

in wow, the twink term showed up in vanilla when lvl 60's started actively collecting boe blues and passing them down to their lower level toons. blizz added battlegrounds after about 9 months, and players started trying to hold their xp at certain levels while they used a "wealthy older" toon to help them get powerful gear. the brackets were every 10 levels and there was no xp-off. most 19s eventually rolled over to 20 and would re-gear for 29s then 39s.

despite ridingon24s' claim that twinks were originally created "to pwn and farm levelers", anybody who actually played 19s or 29s back in vanilla knows that nobody understood stats and game code like they do now. there were a million different ideas on what was the best gear. some of the most successful players used gear that we would cringe at now. twinking was originally about competition, not about pwning n00bs. most twinks back then really only played each other, spending hours dueling other twinks at the gates of ironforge and orgrimmar.

the free 20 bracket is way more concerned with bis gear than the p2p 24s. have you looked at the crap gear the 24s are wearing? 4 levels and a couple boa pieces don't make you bis, they just make you lazy.

most f2p players are really not twinks. they can't take any hand-me-downs. they can't rely on another toon to ezmode everything for them. they need to earn their gear the hard way. good f2p toons are 'geared' rather than 'twinked'.

i gotta agree with bone and medanx. don't be rude to the 24s, just add them to your ignore list if they are on your side and gank them when they are on the other side.
Bone said:
You act like you do this to only 24s but you do it to my 20 shaman because you're not smart enough to realize opening on a resto shaman isn't going to be a 1 shot and yeah, you're going to die.

Chain sapping a good healer makes a great deal of sense regardless. I've never /spit at you, i respect you, and in fact you where inspiration for me to roll my own resto shammy.

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