Spider's Silk


Hey i've been farming this silk for about 3 hours straight now just for some Spidersilk Boots for my new pala..

I have killed approx 200 plains creepers in arathi highlands and my drops are (didn't take grey items)..

23 Thick Spider's Silk

117 Gooey Spider Leg

67 Crunchy Spider Leg

2 Precise Bow

NO Spider's Silk this really sucks since it hasn't been in AH on my realm for weeks now.

If anyone knows why/how i can increase my chance (farming somewhere else etc.) please do :D

I found Spider's Silk in Ashenvale on the plateau across the river to the west of Forest Song back in 4.0.6 or whatever the patch was before the xpac, when people weren't sure if it was dropping anymore. I think I've picked some up immediately west of Forest Song where the prequests to the "of Argas" ring are. Also, think I've hit some elsewhere in Ashenvale, in Duskwood, and in Stonetalon - tho I may be mixing up pre/post Cata. Hope this post isn't just stating the obvious...
Killed 400 spiders with no silk dropping. Best wasted 3 hours ever :I Arathi Highlands spiders are incompetent spinners.
Boomanda said:
Killed 400 spiders with no silk dropping. Best wasted 3 hours ever :I Arathi Highlands spiders are incompetent spinners.

Which ones are you killing? The domesticated spiders and domesticated mine spiders in azurelode mine have a relatively high drop rate and they respawn fast.
Kore nametooshort said:
Which ones are you killing? The domesticated spiders and domesticated mine spiders in azurelode mine have a relatively high drop rate and they respawn fast.

Regular and giant plains creepers ;__; But well, got the silks off from trade after few weeks of spamming. Althought would've been neat to know that Plains Creepers are not the best source of Spider's Silk anymore.
I got 4 in about 15 minutes when i farmed Deepmoss Matriarches in stonetalon mountains.
Took me less than 10 minutes to get 3 in duskwood. All of the spiders there have a chance to drop them but i farmed the black widows near the cemetery.

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