Speed Hacks in WSG

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Pwnadin, speed hacks don't exist, because the hot-fix around the begining of august patched them, and no one's found the memory to overwrite for them. I'm part of the Contributors section of Mmowned.com or what is now Ownedcore.com, if you'll look in the bots section, you'll notice that all of the bots don't include speed hacks. Your accusations are bold at best. It's not very smart to accuse people of doing something that isn't possible at this time.

You're probably just pissed that Kale abuses pots and has grandfathered items and probably wrecked you. Either way, if you hop on alliance side, and spend 12 minutes on WoW head, you'll know that everything he accesses buff-wise are available to 20 trial accounts, except for the grandfathered items that I myself frown upon. Other than grandfathered items he's a legit 20, which is a lot more than you can say for all of the short-cut taking horde in this bracket.
XYZ speedhacks. Google it please. They still exist. There is a community out there, other than us twinks, who dedicate their time trying to manipulate the game for whatever purposes.
Firstly, MB is stupid. Secondly, speed "hacks" are too. Thirdly, the internet rage in the other thread is stupid.

My ideal games are between fellow skilled 20s on both sides. No 24s. No noobs. Genuine well matched even sides, win or lose. Against 24s and MBs though, I don't feel the rules apply.
Pwnadin said:
Kale @ Dreadmaul - Game - World of Warcraft

Speed hacks in WSG ffs really? I've seen this numerous times from Alliance side lately. It has been addressed. Hope you read this.

Why dont you shut up and get off his case? he dosnt speed hack hes a friend of mine on dreadmaul and i talked to him he said whe he had the speed boots he lagged and as he was lagging you saw him runing in place and when the lag stoped he was already at mid field. if he was a speed hacker why wouldnt he just speed hack all the way to the flag room? and why wouldnt he be banned after doing such a thing? just shut the hell up and get some real things to qq about idiot.
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