Speed HAcking

Have you guys noticed this lately? Last week I was in a BG and a level 10 rogue, by the time we got down the ramp the rogue had gotten the flag and was half way back to his side.
It's always been possible, just very noticeable.
I have seen players make it from the EFR to theirs instantly... Funny part is I never see that same toon again after that day.
Oooo, I used to have a friend who speed hacked and a few other things, I'm going to have to say, it was quite fun to watch him hehe. He also could "fly" without a flying mount, and climb mountains, lol. We raced to Silvermoon City from ghostlands Flightmaster, I took the flight and he used the speed hack... he won by far ^_^. Annoying in the WSG though, really makes it unfair :[.

Disclaimer: In no way do I promote hacking/exploiting WoW (Just figured I'd throw that in there incase of a misinterpretation.
Yeah one time i saw a naked lvl 12 tauren in a BG, everyone was yelling at him telling him to leave, well he just hacked through the door, jumped to the EFR, grabbed the flag and capped it before we even got out of our FR.
GM's notice this very, very easily from logs.

Its not worth losing your account for few hours of fun...

Actually, it isnt really even funny actually.
Lol one night when my friend and me played together, there was a level 17 undead mage who hacked. we were vs him 2 times and we won both. he couldnt get flag because when he came i just stunned him and my friend killed him. Later that night when we were in an arena there was a GM on the pillar in BeM mountains arena :O
like this?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EH1rDP1gzx0&feature=channel_page]YouTube - Warcraft WSG Hack[/ame]
I'd make a trial account to do this for the lulz. I also watched a vid of the flying without flying mount thing. I believe it was when it was first discovered. I think it's since been nerfed, it was more a glitch than a hack. This 70 fire mage was flying around laying down pyroblasts and fireballs on people from above. He had a vid of it and everything, then a gm whispered him notifying him that he had been caught exploiting and if he continued action against his account would be taken into consideration. He just kept doing it though, then the gm appeared in front of him and placed him in front of him and told him that action was being taken against his account or something along those lines. Then you see "disconnected from server" and he tries logging back in and it says his account was banned, all in all a funny ass vid. I'll have to try finding it again.

Lol I did something awhile back that wasn't too much of a hack but more of an exploit, I believe it was before they nerfed the ability to climb up walls and things, I was on top of the boat on the isle of quel'danas with some people and we were laying down massive amounts of ranged damage. Got reported quite quickly, but by the time something happened I had stopped doing it and was wearing my pirate outfit and dancing with this cow warrior while he was in a pirate outfit too. We both got dragged off the top of the boat and placed on the ground though. I was pretty freaked out because I didn't know gms could do that, then I get a whisp telling me that I should stop doing what I was doing or actions would be taken against my account. I apologized telling him simply that I wanted to be a pirate and dance with my cow friend. He responded to that by lol'ing and telling me to dance somewhere other than on top of the ship. I told him it wasn't as much fun, and he told me at least I wouldn't get banned for doing it, end of argument. :(
Almost everybody does their speed hacks on a trial account. They don't want their main account to be banned, but they wanna try it out. Or...they have their speed so it is just a little faster then normal. Not enough to notice anything tho.
Marsbar said:
no he just ran fast. he didn't fly

he didn't fly. lol. it's just cause of the speed hack that he jumped so far. If you didn't notice on the video ( i know.. poor quality :( )when he was on the ground he was glitching from spot to spot.

Quite a well know one, I seem to remember Tidal (or was it Tseggy??) having stopped this guy with his team at some point (if you're interested check youtube, sure it's on there too).

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dl4ZMRnCQqE&NR=1]YouTube - Warsong Gulch speed- flyhacking on blizzard server[/ame]
i was talking to a guy that was going faster than usual and he said he stacked swifty pots somehow.
It was both Tseggy and me, but we didn't exactly "stop" him, we got lucky on pet Web a few times, and managed to kill him with the entire team's help.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-1HI8BMb2Y"]YouTube - Wsgterrorist2[/ame]

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