SP/Aff Lock


How well do shadow priests and affliciton locks do in this bracket?

Me and my friend are making them for 2v2 mostly but we will also PuG together alot. Could anyone compile a short gear list for me as I'm completely lost, I've only ever had a 39 pally.
heres an aff lock gearset i made :) enjoy. and aff locks are awesome in this bracket. gotta learn to kite well now with the loss of a bunch of sp and stam, but its more of a challenge and alot of fun :)


Helm - Green Lens of Shadow Wrath

Neck - Pulsating Crystalline Shard, Jade Pendant of Blasting, or Necklace of Calisea.

Shoulders - Lunar Mantle of Shadow Wrath or any cloth shoulders with +20 Shadow dmg.

Back - Bloodwoven Cape of Shadow Wrath or any +14 Shadow dmg Cape (+20 Spell Penetration)

Chest- Robes of the Magi or any +27 shadow wrath chest (+150 HP)

Bracers - Bloodwoven Bracers of Shadow Wrath (+15 Shadow Dmg)

Gloves - Revelosh's Gloves of Healing (+20 Spell Power)

Belt - AB Belt or Deathmage Sash

Legs - Necromancer Leggings or Shadoweave Leggings

Boots - 21 Shadow wrath cloth boots (Boar's Speed) or AB boots (+12 Stam) for a more balanced aff set.

Ring 1 - Underworld Band

Ring 2 - Underworld Band/Deadman's Hand

Trinket 1 - Insignia

Trinket 2 - the Gnomish Net Device from engi or the BoA SP trink.

Weapon - Sacrificial Kris of Shadow Wrath or Staff of Jordan (Soulfrost)

Offhand (if you went with the Kris) Umbral Crystal
Although I'm not actually an affliction lock, I'm hybrid Demo/Destro, the gear is similar (get everything, an +sp set, and a stam/balance set, then switch out as needed). Anyway heres a few more items you might like to consider:

Legs - Blighted Leggings

Trinket - Discerning Eye of the Beast (BoA), was listed but I though I'd give its name

Trinket - Arena Grand Master (couldn't hurt)

Shoulders - Tattered Dreadmist Mantle (BoA)

Back - PVP one (Battle Healer's Cloak)

Chest - Robes of the Lich cant hurt to have in the bags

Wand - Ember Wand of Shadow Wrath. Some Locks go for the 'of Stamina'. Get both.

Weapon - the BoA staff (cant remember the same, but it has good stats after the buff 3.1).


as for how well affliction Locks do, its all personal/subjective and down to playstyle. My take is get soul link, then put the rest into either affliction or (like I have) desto. Shadowburn right after a shadowbolt crit really takes people by surprise.
Shadow Priests are not good for arena, they get nuked to hard with the RET and Rogue people. Lock can do well if played right, but any rogue will Stunlock you enough to were you cant do anything. Ive seen Disc/Holy Priest and a Lock do well but the lock was SL then rest Aflic.
shadow priests can be a pain in the ass sometimes with silence. disc priests are overall more effective, though.
BEFORE 3.1 i did 2.5k dmg with curse of agony, corruption adn siphon life. it did around 2.4k damage. It was so funny to run into a group and dot then noobs and then see how they fell 1 by 1

Marsbar said:
BEFORE 3.1 i did 2.5k dmg with curse of agony, corruption adn siphon life. it did around 2.4k damage. It was so funny to run into a group and dot then noobs and then see how they fell 1 by 1

Well, since you now can crit with dot's i guess it is the same fun? :p are going to make a lock 39 i think (and a pally 39, thank god for recruit a friend) but any1 know about how much SP u can get now on a well geared 39 lock twink?
39 affliction locks have gotten more insane since the patch. The Siphon life change is a buff. Be prepared to faceroll your way to #1 dmg by far, unless the other team has 3+ dispelling priests. 6k damage per minute is pretty common, 7k+ damage per minute is achievable, maybe higher with consumables/healbot. Doubt any other class comes close in terms of dps.

Just be careful of the burnout factor...39 locks tend to lose interest fast, due to the ease of the class.
Pers said:
39 affliction locks have gotten more insane since the patch. The Siphon life change is a buff. Be prepared to faceroll your way to #1 dmg by far, unless the other team has 3+ dispelling priests. 6k damage per minute is pretty common, 7k+ damage per minute is achievable, maybe higher with consumables/healbot. Doubt any other class comes close in terms of dps.

Just be careful of the burnout factor...39 locks tend to lose interest fast, due to the ease of the class.

Sorry but sipon life wasn't a buff.... it heals less, we do less damage AND we lose a debuff slot making dispelling a little easier.

So how you think this factors to face rolling to number 1 is beyond me.

Tab dotting everything that oves including pets will get you to number 1... the siphon life changes do nothing to make things easier...
Oh siphon life was definitely a buff for overall dps, assuming you were fighting large groups (Single target damage may have gone down, but if you're playing your lock to your full potential, you should be dotting up big clusters of enemies). Old siphon life was a major mana hog, and took up a gcd. Now you can tab dot even faster for less mana, and start the health ticks rolling in earlier (the health ticks are also higher now). Use that saved gcd to cast a fear or start dotting your next target.

I originally thought the loss of an extra debuff would make dispellers and extra pain, but now I realize that in the past, if you cast Corruption + Siphon Life, they are both dispelled in one cast, and you're out quite a bit of mana. Now, when its dispelled, its much faster and less costly to reapply.

I was personally dreading the siphon life change when I read it in the patch notes, but after playing with it extensively and comparing pre and post patch stats, I now definitely feel it was a buff.
Pers said:
Oh siphon life was definitely a buff for overall dps, assuming you were fighting large groups (Single target damage may have gone down, but if you're playing your lock to your full potential, you should be dotting up big clusters of enemies). Old siphon life was a major mana hog, and took up a gcd. Now you can tab dot even faster for less mana, and start the health ticks rolling in earlier (the health ticks are also higher now). Use that saved gcd to cast a fear or start dotting your next target.

I originally thought the loss of an extra debuff would make dispellers and extra pain, but now I realize that in the past, if you cast Corruption + Siphon Life, they are both dispelled in one cast, and you're out quite a bit of mana. Now, when its dispelled, its much faster and less costly to reapply.

I was personally dreading the siphon life change when I read it in the patch notes, but after playing with it extensively and comparing pre and post patch stats, I now definitely feel it was a buff.

w o w ! ! ! ! ! !

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