Sooooo. . . what have you solod/small grouped/5 manned?

I must confess I have yet to even go on my twink. I havent turned off her xp. She doesn't have a mount. Endgame is keeping me pretty busy--and XP in BGs has given me a fun way to level my Paladin from 60 up, without having to do the same quests I had to do on my main.

Besides, Paladins are embarrassingly powerful in those levels. They make 29 hunters look like weaklings.

But I got a in-game mail from a fellow twink (a guy with no 80 main), who says that, while waiting for a que he and 2 others ran SM GV and Library. He also solod BFD to get the gaze-dreamers pants--but I didnt think to ask him if he was able to solo the whole instance, or just up to that boss.

Still, it made me wonder what people have been able to accomplish, pve-wise, with their twinks.
I've been trying, but "additional instances cannot be launched" ... nobody on my server can access any pre-wotlk instances after 3.2.

I've read reports on the realmforum about people trying to get inside for an hour straight :/

Hope they fix this.
i soloed deadmines with my 29 pally, only had to pop AGM bubble for VanCleef and his adds. needed a booster to off Falconcrest/Otto to get the War Rider Bracers though. did nearly all quests in Redridge zone while queued up for BGs; still havent been in one since patch went live and i shutoff experience
Ive been soloing Vishas in SM five to ten times a day. Gonna solo some more stuff soon.


2 man'd at level 24 (with another 25 hunter) SFK

Only close call was the dog boss...lots of adds to control with limited control spells. But we did it with 0 wipes.
Screamforme said:
Wow. Which pet did you use?

RFC not RFK lol....

RFC I did without a pet...wasnt a need. 1 shot everything in there besides the boss.

I haven't really attempted to solo much. I don't like PvE but since the Que's are so bad i guess i might start trying cause theres nothing else to do on my twink atm.
Crucifer2005 said:
RFC not RFK lol....

RFC I did without a pet...wasnt a need. 1 shot everything in there besides the boss.

I haven't really attempted to solo much. I don't like PvE but since the Que's are so bad i guess i might start trying cause theres nothing else to do on my twink atm.

oooh brain fart :D sorry.
Soloed Gnomer on my rogue. I didnt kill all the mobs (duh), just the Boss.

The last boss can be hard... The Bombs hits hard.
even if this is a 29 thread ive solo'd whole WC instance except giant Murloc and elemental as a lvl 19 hunter and did it once on my old 19 rogue.
Soloed SM GY on my mage - as I was leveling him anyway I was hoping to catch a break and get the pants off the rare - unfortunately after the first rare spanwed it no more did ( nor their place holders ) - still I got a good 3 levels in ~2 hours while practising aoe grinding ;-)

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