Soooo, im lookign for a second oppinion!

ppl would slap me if i ever found out i was gna lvl my 70 rogue xP
i leveled my shaman last year and still regret it to this day. but i also recently leveled my 70 rogue to 80 and im glad i did.
if your really enjoy 70 warrior then dont level it but if you barely play it and starting to wander why you have it, then ild suggest leveling it and maybe trying a different bracket for it
you can always level another warrior to twink 70 and if not you have other 70 twinks.
i leveled my shaman last year and still regret it to this day. but i also recently leveled my 70 rogue to 80 and im glad i did.
if your really enjoy 70 warrior then dont level it but if you barely play it and starting to wander why you have it, then ild suggest leveling it and maybe trying a different bracket for it
you can always level another warrior to twink 70 and if not you have other 70 twinks.

Going by that logic, would it not be better to just level another Warrior to 80 then and keep that one at 70? That way you can try other brackets but not have to regret levelling the 70 later on.

Sounds like win all round to me...
tho if i level im goign for 90, and this is the warrior i want in that case, its personal. and yea. I leveled my first 70 Shaman, where i had 4 T3 and 45 resi epic trinket, i regret that sooo much! But with this warrior, which

Is extremly underpowered after gag order nerf
not fun to play at the bracket

I wanna play it, and decided to level, i still have 7 other 70 twinks, so yea i think this choice is reasonable! Hopefully i wont regret it too soon!

it's your decision to sit this expansion out on your 70 warrior and make it a cool bank alt or pet battle farmer....or level. blizz never did what they said they would do in CATA concerning low level PVP, don't hold your breathe they will in MOP.

i would recommend rerolling another class if you want to play 70's. i have a 70 hunter, pal, and rogue.....gonna level up a druid. seems like that class no matter what has it always best. with 4 spec' least 1-2 specs are always loved by blizzard

alot of classes are underpowered now in 70-74. heals are too insane even after a %5 PVP and 15% PVP heal nerf.. healer/hybrids already res-stacked got a gift horse with another free 30% pvp res-buff in PVP. melee/hunters don't really notice the 30% res pvp buff other than their attacks are weak and rather worthless along with being near instantly negated.

PVP power is punishing for classes who use agi or str, while having little to no hindrance on healer/hybrids

it's all about healers and certain hybrids. res-druids are god mode, there are some res-druids playing as a res-feral predominantly along with some bal druids doing the same. res/bal spec have stuff from what used to be feral only, and in their 30's get a talent that converts all intellect to agility when they go into feral forms. takes 3-4 players to kill a ele-sham, windwalkers which blizz claims are weak yet are pulling insane damage and healing, they are the new enh-sham. shadow comment needed.

even in a blue post recently blizz has admitted that bal druids, ele-shams, shadow priests, have to much healing

there is too much healing, many of the melee even hunters do not have the damage or energy/focus/rage/rune power to keep up with it or dent it
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just in a BG, and there was a warrior on the losing team that was doing really well. player was prot spec, and was insanely hard to kill
Just lvl another warrior. Also what others have said, come the account wide mounts etc. there's little to no point in lvling out twinks anymore. Especially if you're rocking with no longer obtainable items. Unless of course you have used all your character slots on that realm. But still I'd check if there any other characters you could lvl/delete first.

But then, I honestly think warriors wont even be semi viable @ 70, not until they lower level requirement for Colossus Smash. Back in Cata you could atleast do same damage and be successfull if you only knew how to play. I had enormous hopes for 70 warriors when I first read about the MoP changes. But unfortunately it turned out that warriors are now probably worse than ever, damage wise atleast.
Ye same Friyn, i liked cata warr on 70s when u could still do decent dmg, but now all baseline resi, pvp power and resi stacking is fucked up on 70s.
ive done like 80 arenas as a warrior in Mop, 80% of games vs a healer/dps team, dps dead in a good cc chain, and then i get healer to like 80%? And he decided in 70% of the games to heal until draw, after that happends 10 times in 2 weeks, I wanna die in a fire of dicks.

So im just going to make my druid my 70 Main, Warrior is now 74 :) no regrets yet!
Ye same Friyn, i liked cata warr on 70s when u could still do decent dmg, but now all baseline resi, pvp power and resi stacking is fucked up on 70s.

Yep, it's such a shame arms/fury is useless at 70 bracket now. Being a prot FC could be viable, but that's like the most boring in the whole game.
70 Bracket is retarded atm. I have like 5 70s.. Not one of them are good apart from Priest which is seriously boring.

Saying that, I do have a 70 monk and I have not tested, but windwalker monk looks really strong. I dont have much gear at all atm since I was granted.
but..... I do have MH glaive first try on my monk when I get OH... Let's see the dmg :D

On the other hand, warlocks do seem better. They have really good survivability, I play with a R sham in 2s. Its a strong team we don't die.. I just wish the dmg was a bit stronger.
But I do love the heals, shields etc that warlock gets. Chaos hits like a wet noodle (seriously 1k on a r sham luls).. So desto is useless. Aff is alright, they do need to make dot power a bit stronger, its a little weak.. Demo I can't really say, im not sure how to play it well, but the dmg is alright about the same as aff.
finally stopped being a lazy cunt and leveled up my warrior to test the damage, dinged 20 minutes ago and only have 1.3k attack power (guessing fully geared people with a decent pvp power% have around 2.4k?) with no proc bonuses to attack power, didn't enrage when I did the hs for 13k


Arms seems OK
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Tho dmg will suck on 85% resi resto shaman with alot of armor + 5 stacks is hard to get in arena. Colossus smash would help so much in dmg.

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