some questions


Hey everyone!

as the titlle says i got some questions for you to answer me.

First of all i would like to ask you for any elemental shaman guild/gear list for patch 3.3.5?

Secend i would like to know your opinnion about, is enchantment shaman beter or worst then elemental on patch 3.3.5? Witch one makes biger dps etc.

my last question will be. Is it posiible to earn reputation exalted by level 19twink on patch 3.3.5? Do you have any guilds teling me how to make it?

Thanks for any help, sorry for my English, and thanks again:)
well, is it so bad? i remember the time when on twink info there were tags promoting priv serwers:)

anyone will telle the answer plz?

if not just tell me why:)
The private server part of the website has been shut down
Sorry Kore, only mentioned it as a reference to where he was playing.

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