Some questions about twinking.


Hey everyone,

I just reactivated my account today after not playing for like 8 months and was just wondering whats going on at 29s. Are there any major gear changes? and if anyone has a good 29 dps priest they can link me that would be great. Also would any guilds like a almost 100% priest i play horde on dragonmaw. i also have a druid an mage at 29 on that sever. Oh and dose anyone know if Cpthealz still plays just wondering. Thanks
Meed may arrive soon with some links to get you more details, but in a nutshell:

--Some gear changes, but those are still shaking out, because more gear changes are coming with 4.0.3. It's hard to recommend gear until that lands.

--The main change for casters is that one int now grants you one spell power (after your first ten int). So INT gear becomes much more attractive.

--All lower brackets (39 on down) are much more bursty than they used to be. Blizz is aware of this and working on it (according to a blue post).

--many talents and abilities got shuffled around, which is now complete. You'll want to take a good look at your priest and see how to adjust to best suit your style.

Horde on Dmaw has at least a couple of guilds, as one of the two most active 29 servers currently. Very lucky for you!

I'm pretty sure cpthealz still plays, given the posts made in the WoW forums.

I hope this helps!
Thanks alot. =] ya not so lucky for me tho i use to twink on garona then xfered to destromath to play with the guild eye candy then faction changed and xfered some of my twinks to dmaw lol. But its not thta big of a deal i just go were the twinking is at its best.

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