<Somalian Pirate Crew> Stormscale Horde


Somalian Pirate Crew
Somalian Pirate Crew aka SPC

Hey, im Zuro, I'm the gm of SPC

We are a horde guild for 20-29. We've been around for quite a while and are still active. Currently we're looking for more active and decent players to expand the guild and to be able to do bigger events(wargames etc.) We do wargames every sunday around 9pm server time.
We don't have very strict guildrules but instead use do's and dont's that affect your rank in the guild depending on how much you follow them. I now also fund enchants people who are new on stormscale.
If you'd like to join wisper me ingame (zuurogano) or add my btag: lewis#2352
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remember to write "we do premades and farm f2ps whenever possible" i think you might have missed it :)
so they are the horde equivalent to all these ravenaids alliance guilds? no hate tho, i love your 2bm 2feral 1healer premades
"Currently we're looking for more active and skilled players to expand the guild and to be able to do bigger events(wargames etc.)"

What do you mean more?
I belive its suppose to be "a dick"

You forgot a period aswell.

Don't correct people if you don't write with proper grammar either... TBH, don't correct peoples grammar at all, it's a gaming forum, no-one gives a fuck how you write as long as you get your point across.
You forgot a period aswell.

Don't correct people if you don't write with proper grammar either... TBH, don't correct peoples grammar at all, it's a gaming forum, no-one gives a fuck how you write as long as you get your point across.

How rude

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