So why not Fury? Here's why...


It seems to me like alot of twinks are starting to role up on their warriors again, or even create new warriors with patch 5.2's release... and everyone and their mother is either rolling Arms or Prot; Fury is less represented by warriors than Ret pallys atm...

It is pretty obvious why... the damage just isn't there, as apposed to the massive hits and debuff on arms, or the survivabiltiy and still formidable damage on prot.

So... this thread is my systematic approach to every angle possible (gear and play style wise) 'making fury happen'.
It is intended for those warriors that dont want to be just another arms or prot player, but want to stick out a bit, or want to try something new..

I will be posting my trial runs in 3 large steps.

Step 1:
Non haste damage set DPS tests;
This will include both a stam set, in Defensive Stance.
As well as a Strength and Crit set, with Battle Stance.
Both of which will be divided up into 3 weapon categories:
1 Hander and Shield
2 Hander
and finally 2 one handers ( x1 and x1)

Step 2:
A full haste set to exploit the "50% increase in haste from items" to warriors. This means equipping 2x Swift Hand of Justice, as well as equipping Tumultuous cloak of the sorcerer (+4 Stamina , +4 Intellect , +4 Haste) as well as Vigorous Belt of the WIld (+5 Agility , +3 Stamina , +5 Haste). After which I will be doing a full DPS test as in step 1.
This step will also be divided up into 3 weapon categories:
1 Hander and Shield
2 Hander
and finally 2 one handers ( x1 and x1)

Step 3:
Complete Battleground's and duel's with all the techniques listed to see what is the most practicle for real situations.

My prediction:
In general I do not have high hopes for my damage in fury, what I am hoping is to be able to contribute a little bit of damage to my teammates and possibly some cc from charge and possibly a little help to keep the enemy from healing to much from Wild Strike.
What I do think will be interesting to see is my survivabilty, it is a bit less duable now with the change to Defensive Stance, however the healing I receive may give me some added survivability, that is from Bloodthirst as well as from my troll racial of Regeneration.

It will take me a while to get the haste set all put together, I almost have my first Trinket, but even after that I will need my RDF gear which isnt dropping for me (darn rng! xD). Also, this is a very good reason why if you see me in a battleground in the near future and you are on the alliance side you should /rofl me into the ground :) .
So here is Step 1 of the trial run, trying out damage on a target to get max dps.
The target used was a druid who had all items unequipped but rings/trinkets and his weapon, to try and get a good base for DPS.

Part 1: The Stam sets and Defensive Stance:
So here is the DPS after trying out Fury, with my stam set equiped, and with my 1 Hander and Shield on.

View attachment 1656
As you can see with this set equiped I have 2081 health, am doing 45 DPS, and am receiving 21 healing upon using Bloodthirst
The damage is not great (Could even be labeled as depressing XD) but there are a few things to keep in mind...
You will be taking 10% less damage BASE from ALL attacks since I am in Defensive Stance.
I have 2120 armor, which is 50.24% damage reduction from melee attacks.
And I will be receiving 42 health back every 10 seconds from Bloodthirst (not even equating in Regeneration (Minuscule yes but worth counting).

Here is my damage after equipping my 2 Hander. (In stam set with Defensive Stance)
View attachment 1657
The damage is better, I am doing 68 DPS in this set (23 DPS more than the last set), but still not really usable in pvp.
Using my 2 Hander I will be receiving the same health back from Bloodthirst (Roughly) but will be doing slightly higher hits on Bloodthirst and Heroic Strike. (The alternative rage spender to Wild Strike, since no of hander is equipped to use it.

Here is the damage using 2 one handers (x1, x1
View attachment 1658
DPS using this attempt was 60 (8 less then using a twohander...)
Kind of depressing that you can get more with a two hander this patch in fury then with 2 one handers, but that is the reality of it from my stam sets... HOWEVER.
Keep in mind that using 2 one handers will allow you to use Wild Strike, which will allow you to apply Mortal Wounds, which just cant be overlooked this patch with how OP most healers are.

Part 2: The STR/CRIT sets while using Battle Stance

This is my DPS on my target while using my 1 Hander and Shield.
View attachment 1659
My DPS using this method is at 72, which is significantly better then my 45 DPS with the stam set and Defensive Stance on. (27 DPS improvement).
Keep in mind however that by changing stances I am no longer recieving 10% less damage, and I have almost 200 health lost from the transition. (not a big deal on its own, but Bloodthirst equates on a % of health basis.)

Here is my damage after equipping my 2 Hander. (In STR/Crit set with Battle Stance on)
View attachment 1660
Upon using 2 Hander I now have a staggering (xD) 89 DPS.
Which makes it the most damaging as of yet in Fury, however you run into the same problems as I just posted, and you cannot use Wild Strike.

Here is the damage using 2 one handers (x1...
To be continued next post (hit file limit...)


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Using this method, I was able to hit 80 DPS on my target. (9 less than with a 2 hander)
Also keep in mind that with using 2x one handers, you are able to use Wild Strike, which is a massive bonus in pvp.

Just for a base line I attacked my target 'dummy' using a Arms and Prot set, during both runs I was able to kill the target, which I did not do in Fury at any time.

Arms: My damage set is equipped and I am in Battle Stance.
View attachment 1662
150 DPS, better than any fury set I tried ( as guessed).

Prot: My damage set is equipped however I am in Defensive Stance, as TBH it is not worth switching out of as a prot warrior.
View attachment 1663
156 DPS, slight higher DPS than Arms, not to mention more survivability than both Arms and Fury.

That ends Part 1 of the Fury experiment... Atm for pvp I think I may have my best luck rolling with my 1 hander and shield in defensive stance, just due to the survivability.

I am not sure how long it may take me to get my haste set together, but if all goes to plan I may be able to get part 1 of the pvp part of this experiment... so stay tuned.
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Upon doing part 3 of this guide (the real BG pvp part) I decided I may not do the 2nd part (haste stack part) or at least as much as I was anticipating. (Will explain).

There is going to be alot to talk about in this post; to begin with I will talk about my 1st bg (3rd, but 1st with real screenshots/ legitimate attempts) I did as Fury, which was with my 2 one handers. (1x and 1x).

(It is important to note that for both of these bgs I will be talking about, I had a pocket healing druid, the amazing BÔp, who was healing me for both.. reason being I had to mid fight alot in both to get the damage I needed for the tests to be worth while.)

The first battleground was just what anyone would expect a Fury warrior doing a bg in5.2 would look like... absolutely horrible. Not only was my damage subpar, but my survivability went out the window, even after going into a stam set and going into defensive stance.

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Playing a Fury warrior makes me want to rip my heart out and shove it up my ass.

... Pretty much sums it up. As you can see from the combat log on the first post im doing sub par damage AT BEST. (60 Bloodthirst's on a 3 debuff stacked efc)
And in the final scoreboard I am 7th from the bottom, after midfighting for most of the game WITH A POCKET HEALER!

One thing I was looking forward to was possibly having a good survivability with Bloodthirst heals, Regeneration, , and being in a stam/resil set....

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This is sort of the best way I can show it in a screenshot (for my semi hybrid set I am thinking about making a video, ie when everything is polished out and im at my best for Fury).
The healing just isnt enough, (16 healing each hit from bloodthirst) and the nerf to defensive stance for Fury and Arms just is iceing on the Fury cake. So we can pretty much through out all hopes of fury being a possible survival spec, because I was decked out to the 9's trying it and it failed horribly :(.

Good news is coming later; let me just tell you about the actual physical effects of playing fury. Svum pretty much layed it out in his video, but you just have to try it out to know the actual physical affect it has on the player. As the battleground went on I started making mistakes I dont normally make, I jumped off the edge of the alliance roof on accident losing me from the efc, lost sunder stacks, and even ran to the efr only to find out upon getting there that the efc was still back camping at our roof... playing fury has an actual physical toll, which I think is because I was expecting I was actually going to be able to do something, even if it wasnt damage maybe throw in a little charge cc into the game... If you try playing fury, keep in mind that is entirely for s's and g's, which is what I didnt think about my first bg, and probably part of why I failed so miserably my first bg as apposed to my second.


Night and day from the first one, I was EXTREMELY surprised at how well I did even considering I had a pocket healer being with me 75+% of the time.

For my second bg I did a few things different:

I kept battle stance up constantly. (its surprising how much rage fury can generate in pvp)
I used my 2 hander for the entire BG.
I was in my damage (STR/Crit) set the entire game.

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View attachment 1689!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The first Image is after I started 'bursting' on a geared resto druid ([URL=""]Høts) for about 4 seconds. (got her down to half health!)
The second is of the scoreboard after the end of the battleground, where I am #1 overall... which really got me thinking about what people are doing in battlegrounds... if a Fury warrior can beat them...

How on earth did I do so well?
As I speculated in the first part of this thread (the raw damage thread) a 2 handed weapon was doing the most damage overall, and the only downfall that it had was the fat that you then could not apply Wild Strike to the target for the debuff, but it didnt seem to make as much of a difference as I thought it would. Another crucial part in why I did so well is the same reason why I am not going to do the FULL version of my haste gear for part three. It stems off of reading Bloodthirst, and remembering that it has double the chance to be a critical strike. In my strength/Crit set I was getting to about 18.5% crit, so that means I had a just under 40% (37%) chance to get a critical strike on Bloodthirst with my two hand weapon, which made a huge difference in my fights as I could tell I was criting alot. Another part of my succes stems from what I supplemented Wild Strike for... Heroic Strike, which doesn't incite a global cooldown, and allows me to keep spamming my sunders and my bloodthirsts, without loosing alot of damage. (my Heroics did about 3 less damage on average then my wilds)


I am having significantly higher hopes after the result of the last battleground that I was in, and I believe this new haste set will be the pinnacle of what I can do on a fury warrior. I wont be switching out my cloak or waist for haste pieces but will instead be keeping the str/ crit pieces to benefit my Bloodthirst's. Instead, I will be 2x Swift Hand Of justice as my 'soul' source of haste. If I get enough honor however (and want to blow it xD), I will by trying out a new two hander as well, that is Burnished Warden Staff, which not only has haste, but crit.

Again a big thanks to BÔp for pocket healing me :)

Im looking forward to the semi haste stacked bg post after this, because I think I may actually make fury bearable to play xD.


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just received my first Swift Hand of Justice, and tryed a single bg using it... the result.

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Was seventh overall... but this is good considering the game..

Alliance had 2 24's ( a disc priest and a prot warrior), and most of our team was pretty incompetent, so I had to carry the flag most of the game. I also did not have a pocket healer for this bg.


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Nice initiative - its nice to get some numbers and different ways of playing fury. I regularly go fury for 1 BG just to lmao at the retardedness of the spec. Recorded this beast clip right after MoP went live;
F2P Fury warrior in MoP (For the lulz) - YouTube

I saw that video a little bit after you posted it... Lmao'd when you killed the warlock (had 800 hp but so what!). I have a fealing that my pvp will look similar to this but who knows
Aww, we all know these warriors are not SUDDENLY appearing cause of fury spec
Im interested to see the outcome of this venture :)

A couple of points though, Vigorous Belt of the Wild is unattainable by warrior, so will need to be Earthbound Girdle of the Sorceror you use for that haste. Also, perhaps 2x McGowans could be used if you properly wanted to cap it. The only thing about doing all that just for haste (as I'm sure you know) is the bits of strength and crit you lose from the other items adds up and begins to make the idea seem less optimisitic!
I'm in no way saying don't try it, I always like to see people thinking up new ways of being original, its cool!

Let us know how it goes :)
Ideally you would use 2x pve agil sword in a max crit set.

In cata I ran a max hit set as fury, I think I was rolling 18% hit. The majority of fury's dmg is white hits. If you find a way to add more of those, or make them hit harder, or even more often, thats is the way to go. In short: secondary stats>primary stats as long as a reasonable amount of stamina is kept.
Ideally you would use 2x pve agil sword in a max crit set.

In cata I ran a max hit set as fury, I think I was rolling 18% hit. The majority of fury's dmg is white hits. If you find a way to add more of those, or make them hit harder, or even more often, thats is the way to go. In short: secondary stats>primary stats as long as a reasonable amount of stamina is kept.

Are you referring to Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge? Idealy you are kind of right (semantics), however my damage set is a "max STR/Crit" set, and while its nice to have that bit of crit it isnt as good as the strength to most people, and also is sorta a headturner for most people because it has agility. I think Idealy for my fury haste dps set I would also be rolling 2xVenerable Mass of McGowan, but the reality of it is I dont have enough honor atm, on my character atm I have 9 heirlooms, and am currently saving up for my next one ( over half way there!).

Plus it is almost beneficial that I am not going 'all out' on the heirlooms, because if I where to get alot of outlandish (things most warrior dont get) heirlooms then only a small percentage of warriors could even try this out :( .
Someone needs to do this with Enh Shamans NAO!

probably a lot more viable.

edit: oh, and sevenslacks7 great post once again!
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Someone needs to do this with Enh Shamans NAO!

probably a lot more viable.

edit: oh, and sevenslacks7 great post once again!

enh still is viable, I think I might start bringing it back.
Someone needs to do this with Enh Shamans NAO!

probably a lot more viable.

edit: oh, and sevenslacks7 great post once again!

I think Enhancement wll always be more viable because when in doubt you can always shock kite and keep up Water Shield while LoSing to cast Healing Surge. I have a decently geared Enhancement Shaman and if people really want to I could post a guide to it, however I dont think it is NEARLY as bad as Fury. And ty, looking forward to getting part 2 ready.
Very nice and thorough.

Good to see people trying specializations that are otherwise untouched.

Have you considered the Honor-bought swords? The resil / %chance to hit twice?

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