So Who Has The Least Life?

I think it could be me possibly, /nerdmode

Paladin had 60+ days but cannot SS because it's inactive,

Old hunter (Infamous) had 40+ days but cannot SS because it's on that same account, inactive.üs/simple

Rogue (Scumbag) had around 10 days.ümbag/simple

Current hunter has 29 days.
Hunter I'm working on has 5 days, and all the other random 20s I've made I'd assume I have at least 5 days on those...
Shaman has 40+ days;

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To be fair some of that time is spent afk though.


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I think it could be me possibly, /nerdmode

Paladin had 60+ days but cannot SS because it's inactive,
Phrontistery @ Gundrak - Community - World of Warcraft

Old hunter (Infamous) had 40+ days but cannot SS because it's on that same account, inactive.üs/simple

Rogue (Scumbag) had around 10 days.ümbag/simple

Current hunter has 29 days.
Hunter I'm working on has 5 days, and all the other random 20s I've made I'd assume I have at least 5 days on those...
Shaman has 40+ days;

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To be fair some of that time is spent afk though.

F2p forum....
F2P Twinks:
CripzBlood - Surv Hunter @ Magtheridon - 106days
CripxxBlood - Sub Rogue @ Magtheridon - 12days
CripzzBlood - Prot Paladin @ Magtheridon - 12days
CripzBloodz - Ret Paladin @ Magtheridon - 11days
Cripzz - Arms Warrior @ Magtheridon - 6days
BloodyCripz - Sub Rogue @ Magtheridon - 6days
CripxBlood - Disc Priest @ Magtheridon - 8days
HolyCripz - Holy Paladin @ Twisting Nether - 4days
BrokenMyst - Balance Druid @ Aggrammar - 2days
SaltoMorto - Arms Warrior @ Laughing Skull - 1day
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Can't reply on device but I figure I should clarify, [MENTION=5377]Soldjah[/MENTION], they were p2p for only about 2 days /played so I figured I'd mention them, if you don't want to that is completely understandable, I don't want any conflict. :)
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6 hours on f2p. pre boa bis minus gloves. Going for foremans cause I like hanging out in caves.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
Kailthas: 18 days, 1 hour
Aduin: 12 days, 14 hours
Dumplings: 1 day, 12 hours
Veshino: 5 days, 15 hours
Voljain: 5 days, 7 hours
Kaelthes: 7 days, 7 hours
Aryae: 10 days, 1 hour
Lilith: 5 days, 3 hours
Meriada: 2 days, 14 hours
DKs: 13 hours grinding Bloodsail Admiral (x2, attempted w/ a human, discovered I couldn't get on the boat), 8 hours grinding exalted w/ Pandaren, about 2 hours per race (24 hours)

Grand total: 70.5 days
This thread makes me feel like moving on with life. :/
43 days on Elffies, and around 15 days on other alts.
Im afraid to do this but I think if you added up all my WoW time it might reach 365 days. Dont know how I would feel if I knew that so Im not going to check.
Sorry for bumping so late but I just saw this topic, wanted to share.
Don't know if I should be proud or sad, it's bittersweet feeling :)
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This is my main with 179 days,
I added up all my other characters(didnt get every screenshot of them) and totally it adds up to 403 days.
When I look back at it, it seems I spent more than a year on this game... I would have achieved many things with determination like this...
Still love this game though :(


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My main character is off of the armory now, since it hasn't been active in a while. But you can look up Auve (Mug'Thol).

Active since Vanilla to the end of Cataclysm. I believe it's something like 120-150.

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