So long and good night

At the start there werent that many hunters but more difference in classes and compared to full twinks this f2p 20 thing is the best balanced out of any low level brackets. Full p2p twinks just have to much burst/sp wich doesnt make it any more fun and not using those extras p2p have makes it alot better (, for god sake my level 12 hunter does the same damage as my 19 hunt back in tbc and wotlk and this wont change in mop where blizzard is throwing it up resi and a hussle of talents again, we all know that failed in the past and it will fail again). Medan was right and still is. Also its the players who mess it up in combination with a messed up queueing system. Blizzard pretty much fuked all twinking up but gave us f2p 20 wich is actually really nice compared to the rest.

Anyway op good luck with what ever you going to do.

So much this one =)
Came back last night. playing with myself is nothing like wow.

I'll be serious next tyme.

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