So, it's gonna look like this?

Hi everyone,

I made a Paladin long ago(holy) and a druid (resto), but since they announced the changes, those 2 chars go down in hp and spellpower so much they actually become obsolete compared with other classes. So i decided to try the new twinkstyle on a rogue.

But, because of all the incoming nerfs i have a bit of a question. Is it gonna look something like this?

Head: Lucky fishing hat* +NOTHING??

Neck: WSG-necklace

Shoulders: Serpent's shoulders

Cloak: Sentry Cloak +12 dodge/3 agi

Chest: Blackened Defias armor +50HP

Bracers: Forest Leather/ ...of the monkey +9 stam

Gloves: Of the fang/monkey +15 agi (if it stays)

Belt: Of the fang/ Deviate scale belt

Pants: Leggings of the fang +32 armor/NOTHING??

Boots: Pagle's extreme anglin' +Boar's speed/cat's swiftness

Rings: (got 2 eludings, but whatever)

Trinkets: Honortrink/AGM

Weapons: Shadowfang/assassin's blade +15 agi

Ranged: Throat piercers/WC-bow (bow+3dmg)

(*Since the fishing gear has other itemlvls, is it possible for these items to maintain the librams?)


If it stays like this, a rogue can still move around a little, but i see a few enchants like +15 agi gloves/9 stam bracers/ 15 agi weapons/ boar's/cat's that still are way too good for 19 bracket..

I'm actually counting on them to disappear eventually..The only benefit of it all is the reduce of costs...

If anyone has an idea of maintaining an adequate amount of spellpower for a healer in 19's, shoot!

All the changes they made actually affect my healers, you could actually state that they (if they implement all of it) the killed healing in 19 BG's.

Isn't it so they want a balanced system?FAIL.
Personally the 4 stats seems like a clear winner to 50 health for any class. Haven't heard if there is a lvl req on that tho. As for maintaining spell power after the patch I say good luck. I've lost quite a bit on the PTR with the loss of pants and my ZG enchant. I may just have to lose my 22 int enchant to pick up the spell power but I'd rather not. Although I really think the large mana pool is nice and I think I may be able to survive without all the extra spell power. Your only real options as far as I can tell will be enchanting your weapon, gloves, and getting boa trinkets.
Imo, bliz is just in removing leg and libarms, because they req. level 50-60 to use. Enchants should stay the same because they require a item level, so 15 agility to gloves will still be there hopefully.
Actually, as far as I've heard, the +100 HP to chest is now working on all levels again. This may be stating that they now do not wish to change enchants, or maybe they are working with a few different things. Anyhow, I think healers (with groups, of course) will still be okay as long as the spellpower and mana enchants aren't nerfed.

Of course, if that happens, I still have my rogue xP
Phantom said:
Actually, as far as I've heard, the +100 HP to chest is now working on all levels again.

I heard from a friend of a friend of a friend.... errr wait I just logged on PTR and it still says requires lvl 30.
Personally, when I see the level-restrictions on Librams and some Enchants, I predict: MORE.

I don't see why Fishing Hats and Boots might not get a level restriction in the future, judging by these trends.

Same with the weapon enchants (which really need the restrictions comparable to the health buffs).
Sanguina said:
Personally, when I see the level-restrictions on Librams and some Enchants, I predict: MORE.

I don't see why Fishing Hats and Boots might not get a level restriction in the future, judging by these trends.

Could not have said it better. Blizz has the power and they will eventually use it.

if the changes stay the way they are....anyone who doesnt suck dick at their class should be fine....hunters/rogues wont be op, ur forgeting how much AP they lose....about 20 agi in stam gear....and a shit load of AP in ap gear....not to mention the lack of skinning

healers lose...35 spell power, considering i have around 150 with sotbs 30 spell power....ill still be at ~115....thats not to bad....honestly its as if u kept ur int wep on instead of switching to spell pwr wep....not really that awful imo....

ppl still played priests and mages and warlocks pre-bc......given that stam was a more sought after stat back then, it was a little easier....then again, casters didnt know how to kite well back then, and nobody was using bandages or even much los in duels

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