So I'm wondering...

I just did an arena in the Dalaran Sewers, and the wave never came out after the game started and I was able to stay up their. I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this happen.
hmm... im pretty sure blizz was very thorough w/ all the bug fixes there. The wall trick, lock circle, lock and wall circle have been fixed. Among others, i don't believe there is any way to stay up there, but i believe there might be a slight variation to when exactly the sewers expunge you lol
hmmm, I remember this happened to me once. a long time ago though , when the new arenas were buggy. I would have thought this was fixed ages back.
weird... wow, you should report bug it. If i found out how to do that incoming undefeated lock/mage/priest 3v3 team lol!!!
There is either a bug or a way to stay up there. Was in a 2v2 and the other team managed to keep both the hunter and shaman up there

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