hunter lock and goblinsis there a special way he got up there? or is it accessible for every1?
You farmed F2P's in a spot that you can't die and then you make a thread on TI about it.
How desperate for attention are you?
What's wrong with sitting on the roof?
Troll confirmed.
Gr8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8. Pls don't h8. ;-)
Doing jumps and such in WSG is a part of Twinking, right?
Are you for real? I accept those jump on toptunnel and stuff from ground but to go places where u can't be hit and then hit ppl destroys the little game there is. I vote not to let u back in gsc as long as u plan on keep doing this.Doing jumps and such in WSG is a part of Twinking, right?
Are you for real? I accept those jump on toptunnel and stuff from ground but to go places where u can't be hit and then hit ppl destroys the little game there is. I vote not to let u back in gsc as long as u plan on keep doing this.
You guys better "zip it"