So I rolled a mage...


...about 3 months ago since I heard from my old friends whom I twinked with back in TBC that twinking would be viable in Cataclysm. A few days ago I received my last pieces, amongst them are my dual AGM's and some goodies like that.

I'm currently aiming for Lucky Fishing Hat but I haven't checked upon any sweet mages on the armory so a few protips would be nice, just a hint how to improve my gear and by all means share with me some groovy moves.

Here's my armorylink Startruck @ Trollbane - Game - World of Warcraft

I'll probably be migrating to Draenor as soon as I receive my LFH.

Thanks, Startruck (Fleuw, Nufooz)
Not rly sure how to link items but ima give it a go.. excuse me if i embarris myself here..

/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("\124cff0070dd\124Hitem:1974:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h[Mindthrust Bracers]\124h\124r");

/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("\124cffe5cc80\124Hitem:42985:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h[Tattered Dreadmist Mantle]\124h\124r");

/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("\124cff0070dd\124Hitem:56709:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h[Garrosh's Pardon]\124h\124r");

also your 1 hit off cap - My suggestion would be swap garrosh pardon for lavishly jewled ring and switch ur wand out for cookies :)
U n ø said:
Not rly sure how to link items but ima give it a go.. excuse me if i embarris myself here..

[Mindthrust Bracers]

[Tattered Dreadmist Mantle]

[Garrosh's Pardon]

also your 1 hit off cap - My suggestion would be swap garrosh pardon for lavishly jewled ring and switch ur wand out for cookies :)

fix'd?? - gonna be so imbarissed if i still did it wrong :(
Looks great, but Id put +5 Resists on the cloak imo, itll help more than 70 armor, especially stacking with the BE racial. Also with Imp Blink you maaay be able to replace Minor Speed with +7stam. Thats what Id do, but some would say Minor Speed is better, idk
Yeah, I was wondering about that point, but imo I think it's safer to have the minor speed one, but if anyone can give me a sweet recommendation why I shouldn't please go for it. :) The reason why I choose +70 armor is because I'm mainly struggling against hunters of course and these AP rogues ambush critting me for 600 tend to give me a lot of pain, so I put +70 armor to damp the damage a bit since I have much less troubles with rival spellcasters. My hit rating is 12 if I'm not mistaken, is that not enough for these regular WSG battles? Since I quite like my ring setup.
Startruck said:
Yeah, I was wondering about that point, but imo I think it's safer to have the minor speed one, but if anyone can give me a sweet recommendation why I shouldn't please go for it. :) The reason why I choose +70 armor is because I'm mainly struggling against hunters of course and these AP rogues ambush critting me for 600 tend to give me a lot of pain, so I put +70 armor to damp the damage a bit since I have much less troubles with rival spellcasters. My hit rating is 12 if I'm not mistaken, is that not enough for these regular WSG battles? Since I quite like my ring setup.

As far as I know skills like arcane shot and explosive shot are nature dmg so might be worth getting +15 nature resist
Startruck said:
Arcane shot is arcane damage afaik. :))

Thats what I thought but a friend of mine said they changed to stop hunters stacking spell power :\ maybe he was trolling me but idk xD he said check the mastery for survival and it says nature - Some please correct me if im wrong ;D
Uno - to link items type them like this: [item] Mindthrust Bracers [/item] (remove spaces in between the item name and the [item] and [/item])

should like like [item]Mindthrust Bracers[/item]
U n ø said:
Thats what I thought but a friend of mine said they changed to stop hunters stacking spell power :\ maybe he was trolling me but idk xD he said check the mastery for survival and it says nature - Some please correct me if im wrong ;D

It doesn't benefit from sp. but it is still arcane damage.
type it like this [.item]Mindthrust Bracers[/item.] but remove the "."

also for star trukk i would suggest [item]Godfrey's Britches[/item] for more crit and more sp
When I'm moving to Draenor I'm hoping to get a play using teamwork so I will go frost for sure then, so my primary concern is my survivability which I build up by stamina stacking, but I might pick those up for my damage set :)
Startruck said:
When I'm moving to Draenor I'm hoping to get a play using teamwork so I will go frost for sure then, so my primary concern is my survivability which I build up by stamina stacking, but I might pick those up for my damage set :)

Come to draenor now! the grass is green, The sky is blue, and the blue..
Steamed said:
type it like this [.item]Mindthrust Bracers[/item.] but remove the "."

also for star trukk i would suggest [item]Godfrey's Britches[/item] for more crit and more sp

better yet, use the item code, which can be found in wowhead, on the html link, [.item]1974[/item.]

Sometimes it makes a mistake, like trying to link this item [item]lavishly jeweled ring[/item] instead of [item]1156[/item]

Back to topic, there's no need to switch servers now that the battlegroups have been merged for bgs.

Change your cape to sorcerer/sun cloak, since staff and wand will suffice for hit cap.

You don't really need to stam up anymore, and as arcane mage, you want to hit hard, so use godfrey's britches and change the satchel belt to sun for extra crit.
Mindthrust's are a direct upgrade, same goes for LFH which I think you addressed in the post, and get 5 resist to cloak. Don't use haste to gloves as arcane, use 16 spell power. Another Seal of Argas or Garrosh's is better then Seal of Sylvannas unless you prefer a few stam over five or more int. Inferno robe w/ 6 stats as arcane, again, unless you prefer health > damage. Same goes for your shoulders, the BoA PvP ones provide more damage oriented stats (as well as your staff). You also are way over hitcap. Hitcap is 7, you're at 12. 4 from your cloak, 2 from wand, 6 from staff.

Nobiz @ Garona - Game - World of Warcraft < That's my mage, if I'm wearing the BoA robe it's because I'm frost, I usually use inferno as arcane.
Chanka said:
Mindthrust's are a direct upgrade, same goes for LFH which I think you addressed in the post, and get 5 resist to cloak. Don't use haste to gloves as arcane, use 16 spell power. Another Seal of Argas or Garrosh's is better then Seal of Sylvannas unless you prefer a few stam over five or more int. Inferno robe w/ 6 stats as arcane, again, unless you prefer health > damage. Same goes for your shoulders, the BoA PvP ones provide more damage oriented stats (as well as your staff). You also are way over hitcap. Hitcap is 7, you're at 12. 4 from your cloak, 2 from wand, 6 from staff.

Nobiz @ Garona - Game - World of Warcraft < That's my mage, if I'm wearing the BoA robe it's because I'm frost, I usually use inferno as arcane.

one thing i prefer the boa chest as arcane over inferno because i stack crit id also switch minning to skinning or engineering
augiddin said:
one thing i prefer the boa chest as arcane over inferno because i stack crit id also switch minning to skinning or engineering

As arcane the 12 int (10 from sheer stat upgrade, 2 from it being able to have +6 stats) is better imo then 2% crit, but it's all playstyle choice. Assuming you do +4 stats to BoA and +6 to Inferno, it ends up being 31 armor (somewhat negligible) 12 int vs 8 stam 2% crit
Boa chest with 10 stam is good for survival though. I think mages do enough damage as is, so as long as you have 180+ sp you should have no problems killing.

I have seen a good crit build with 25% as horde. I would roll with it if your that faction.

Also explosive shot is fire damage right? If not I need to change my 15 fire resist on cloak to arcane. I like arcane for stopping sheeps and lowering arcane shot plus enemy mages. Would be better against balance druids also.

Shadow damage is pretty rare so I dont think I would ever use the 5 resist to all enchant.

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