So How Do I Get BoA's



Yeah I know

Shit's confusing as ass

Can't figure it out

But seriously


Note: I don't have LK or Cata or an effort level capable of doing some searching on my own... But I'm asking because apparently there is some type of JP conversion for honor? How does I do?

1) Find Honor Point Vendor (Generally Sells Cata shiz for professions)

2) Convert Honor into JP


2) Go to Dalaran and Find the Justice Point Vendor

2) Convert JP into Honor

srs, thats it.
you buy an accnt with a 85, DONE THAT EZ
threesets said:
you buy an accnt with a 85, DONE THAT EZ

with 10k gold attached to the accnt.
Thanks fellas for the surprisingly constructive comments. Note again: I don't have LK or Cata so I can't go to Dal, but from what I understand there is an Honor Point-->Justice Point converter in SW? Where exactly in SW? And then where do I buy the actual BoA's?
Khanodruid said:
Thanks fellas for the surprisingly constructive comments. Note again: I don't have LK or Cata so I can't go to Dal, but from what I understand there is an Honor Point-->Justice Point converter in SW? Where exactly in SW? And then where do I buy the actual BoA's?

Yes, there is only a honor to justice points.. You would have to petition a GM to take your JP and get heirlooms for you.
Khano- you can get it all in SW, now. Old Town \ Champion's Hall. Gal in back, righthand corner sells honor heirlooms. Guy in back, lefthand corner sells JPs for honor points (/target adlan). The gal in the warrior trainers' bldg sells the JP heirlooms.

(WSG items are only at Silverwing Hold still.)
Thanks Sharper... I miss you man. Btw, I've been playing around a bit on some diff toons on diff servers with other people to test things out but I might stop by soon.

So I can get the PvP AND the PvE heirlooms in SW?
yes you can get both pve and pvp heirlooms in sw. the pvp ones are in the hall where all the pvp gear is sold, the pve heirlooms are by the 85 justice/valor vendors (in the room where the master wood dude used to be/warrior trainers still are).

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