So how are you guys liking the "Generalized Stats" with twinking?

I'm still trying to figure out my opinion on it,
on one hand, the thing that got me into twinking was literally 100% to 0%ing kids all day,
Miss my TBC/WotLK Boomkin Starfire criting for everything people had.

But on the other hand, it's making it feel a lot more skill based and actually being able to play your character.

But on the same note, I don't really feel like I'm accomplishing much when I do a full rotation on someone and they drop just about no health.

Dunno yet, what do you guys think?
What he said
its bad, Robert

Yea, I'm thinking I might just stick to PvE twinking for fun and just do max level PvP unless they change a few things about it.
I've been wanting to make another 80 twink for a while now, after the Cata drop ducked up XP locking and my BiS 80 Warrior dinged 81 for discovering Stormwind...
I've found it really fun imho. Yes it was enjoyable to 100-0 people with a 5k ferocious bite but I think those times have passed. I think this new "general stats" system has made it super easy to re roll and explore other classes I haven't played before (and not have to worry about dropping a ton of g on bis) but also has imo left room for the twink scene. Though twinks aren't as broken as they were, popping a few consumables and rolling with your ilvl gear still gives you a considerable edge over other plebs.
I love it <3

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