So Halfbreed quit I assume...

Novascotia said:
You didn't get the message.
No I got the message, if you try not to die, and are successful, then you should be open to insults from fags with less than half the skill. srsly, you play a hunter so you cant even say shit about him being an OP class, if you want to run in and melee on your hunter then fine, whatever, but don't attack halfbreed for actually knowing how to fucking play.
Myrmidon said:
No I got the message, if you try not to die, and are successful, then you should be open to insults from fags with less than half the skill. srsly, you play a hunter so you cant even say shit about him being an OP class, if you want to run in and melee on your hunter then fine, whatever, but don't attack halfbreed for actually knowing how to fucking play.

I don't have 1 hunter of any level nor have I ever played one. Also, contradiction?
Xio said:
Halfbreed didn't quit.. Been playing with him almost every day.. Do your research first before you make dumbass remarks.

Uhm I've been sitting on my Dentarg alliance alt every 3 hours of every day since friday. And Ive yet to see him on...3 people in his guild have stated hes disappeared.

So I think your mistaken.
Novascotia said:
I don't have 1 hunter of any level nor have I ever played one. Also, contradiction?
Armory failed me, but still, if you can't kill a hunter on a warrior you're bad. Also, look up the word contradiction, or reread my post, because clearly there was something you misunderstood.
Crucifer2005 said:
Uhm I've been sitting on my Dentarg alliance alt every 3 hours of every day since friday. And Ive yet to see him on...3 people in his guild have stated hes disappeared.

So I think your mistaken.
And they say we have no lives.
Myrmidon said:
Armory failed me, but still, if you can't kill a hunter on a warrior you're bad. Also, look up the word contradiction, or reread my post, because clearly there was something you misunderstood.

Excuse my mental blackouts, actually I meant to write that for an email until I realized I had posted that on TI. But it does make some sense, you were disagreeing with my statement in an absurd/illogical way.

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