So farming..

The game really needs a 'we surrender' vote feature for when this shit is happening, so at least when the opposing team hold both flags but aren't capping, and most of your own team agree to it, you can get out of the match without a deserter debuff.
ya most of them a f2p leeches (i will give gy farming bads that name not you guys you guys are cool).

So ya ticket waiting for response liek i said in my first post stop it by that i mean prevent you see those guys tell them not to do it, ignore them shun them etc. join me in reporting them it will make this bracket better.
Highly doubt anything will come from reporting them, seeing as corpsecamping outside bg's has got to be really extreme before anything will happen. Anything within a bg which isn't exploit/hack, botting, insults etc. will be within the rules of the battleground. Blizzard will say that they can just /afk out, just like they use to tell players complaining about being corpsecamped to spiritres. They don't want a nanny game.

The gy change was intented to gimp defense, which it did, but they should have seen this coming. GY was already being farmed before the change, this just made it alot easier. I don't think they should make it out of reach, ala EotS, mainly because I want afk'ers and slowpokes in the gy to die (ye those retards on my team aswell - get going you twats!) I haven't used my endgame acc for ages now, so can't say if the problem is the same there, but i'm guessing it is, maybe not to the same extend.
Dunno about you but I play BGs to gank...

I always try to win but that is just secondary.I find it funny that a Twink complains about farming.If you dont like to be on the recieving end try to get better(not talking about gear tbh) or leave.Happens that I get farmed but I farm a lot more than I get farmed(good enough for me).

Just try to get away(you will,just matter of time),walk to their GY and farm them back(1-2 will always die,you wont get bored).

For the record this is not against the rules(so GL reporting them to a GM)

edit:I used to farm 3-4 hours long(before the timer),nobody likes to wait in the queue.You must be new,if not I really dont know what you want.We got the crappy 25 mins timer because of posts like this on the Blizz forum.Keep it up and soon you will find yourself in WSGs with a 10 mins long timer
it's the fact horde also do this to. and if you enter a bg on your horde toon and it's 6 minutes left and there camping would you report it?
Wow i was not on the receiving end i was on alliance idc who or what faction you are you GY farm you're a fag (fag i define as some one who is annoying not the mock used against the homosexuals).

besides most of the people doing this aren't even paying for the game and don't plan on it so in turn if they get banned i will help Blizzard since the people getting farmed will want to buy the game instead of just stop playing after getting farmed for 20 minutes.

Edit: i would honestly not report because i would not allow it to take place i would cap 3 flags before they could.

Edit2: just re-read ya i would report since it was just retarded of how much Hks the alliance had but then again horde would not go down to alliance level unless there are enough people that have been farmed in one BG and just are tired of it and want to return the favor (i don't blame them).
allahkazam said:
i'd afk out. i wouldn't stay there and condone it.

Be a man,life is not a whipped-cream cake!

When players AFK out of a lost battle they usually do it to look better on the statistics page.Imo its like lieing to yourself(pointless).Thats why a good BG win-loss ratio means nothing at all.Look at me,I won a lot more than I lost(because I AFK out of lost battles) so I am better than u!

Amirite or amirite?
random1 said:
Be a man,life is not a whipped-cream cake!

When players AFK out of a lost battle they usually do it to look better on the statistics page.Imo its like lieing to yourself(pointless).Thats why a good BG win-loss ratio means nothing at all.Look at me,I won a lot more than I lost(because I AFK out of lost battles) so I am better than u!

Amirite or amirite?

i'd afk out of if my team was prolonging the game to farm. the game i won today i purposely ran the 3rd flag so that no noob would get the idea to hold it. yes i would have afk'd out of a 2-0 game if my team was farming.
random1 said:
Be a man,life is not a whipped-cream cake!

When players AFK out of a lost battle they usually do it to look better on the statistics page.Imo its like lieing to yourself(pointless).Thats why a good BG win-loss ratio means nothing at all.Look at me,I won a lot more than I lost(because I AFK out of lost battles) so I am better than u!

Amirite or amirite?

I would not call complete face rolls games since it is just a faceroll so you were right in leaving. I remember leaving a couple of winning games due to RL reasons.
Nohealsforju said:
it was just retarded of how much Hks the alliance had but then again horde would not go down to alliance level unless there are enough people that have been farmed in one BG and just are tired of it and want to return the favor (i don't blame them).

We probably play a different horde then.

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