so...anyone tried the faction change service yet?

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I'm bad? you're a clusterfuck of numbers that means jack shit to anyone with a brain.

for the record, I have 150 warsongs played, 114 won, with 173 flag returns. by your definition I'm better than you.
My hunter had 69 wins in 73 games at 49 which is 94% Win/Loss therefore I am the supreme king of WSG and I'm the most super awesome player ever with amazing game knowledge. 36 flag caps as a awesome midfield farming class which is 0.493 caps a game. 1059 Killing Blows in WSG / 260 Death's is 4:1 ratio.

None of that means I'm a good player or not though. You cannot judge a player until you've actually played with them a lot, or watched them playing.
FYI - here's my other rogue...

The World of Warcraft Armory

73% win since that matters to u so much.

The World of Warcraft Armory

76% win

The World of Warcraft Armory

70% win

Again, none of this matters as 1 person doesn't win games, especially WSG. In addition, most of ruin knows I tend to switch sides to the balance out games and challenge the steamroll of whatever faction has more on. I could easily stay playing my horde rogue and Boots -> Sprint -> Prep -> Sprint -> Boots for flag caps if that was my goal. I could also just as easily spam clicks on efc as other kill and try to get the flag return to pad my stats, I try to focus on the efc healers while our elemental shaman burst the fc w/ magic damage. There's a lot of tangibles that can't be derived from looking @ the stats page. It's obvious to everyone here except u.
glancealot said:àlroy&searchType=all

212 hit rating?! what for?...are you planning to 5 man strat etc coming next patch?

Alkaholic said:
He has a 92% win ratio in WSG w/ over 300 games played. Stacking hit is the way to go...

glancealot said:
its pretty obvious that he /afk out of losing battles and/or always queue with 2+ guildies.(his guild has 26 49 twinks, and 1 48 twink)

and i like how his only pet is a bat.
Even in this scenario, he's already confirming that the stat screen can be manufactured yet he holds his so highly. If someone has anything higher than him, hate, hate, hate...
glancealot said:
with the current stats system, flag return/flag cap/winning ratio is the only stats related to wsg, tell me how else you can judge a player's wsg skill based on their armory?

Sup dog, my hit rating carried myself and fellow Horde for my 91% win in 600+ WSG games.

Since you can only judge a player's WSG skill based on their armory you will all have to go stack hit rating.

Balroy said:
Sup dog, my hit rating carried myself and fellow Horde for my 91% win in 600+ WSG games.

Since you can only judge a player's WSG skill based on their armory you will all have to go stack hit rating.



I don't think glancealot is smart enough to realize you just bunt the sh*T out of him.....
tweedledum said:
I'm bad? you're a clusterfuck of numbers that means jack shit to anyone with a brain.

for the record, I have 150 warsongs played, 114 won, with 173 flag returns. by your definition I'm better than you.

nope you are a lot worse, your flag return/game is just over 1, while i have over 2.5

nice try, play again.
Balroy said:
Sup dog, my hit rating carried myself and fellow Horde for my 91% win in 600+ WSG games.

Since you can only judge a player's WSG skill based on their armory you will all have to go stack hit rating.


well, since i can't reroll a character just to play with a certain player that's not in my BG, the best i can do is look at their armory profile.

your 91% win mean NOTHING, you have over 30 49 twink guildies, and it is highly likely that you never solo queue.

the hit set you have on is obviously not for pvp (probably good for pve, but w/e) and therfore not to be taken seriously.

further more, 84 wins out of 90 AB battles further shows that you either afk from losing battles or always group queue with a bunch of twinks.

actually, the fact that you only have 1 bat pet shows that you are a bad hunter. but that's obvious to any knowledgeble twink i am sure.
Alkaholic said:
Even in this scenario, he's already confirming that the stat screen can be manufactured yet he holds his so highly. If someone has anything higher than him, hate, hate, hate...

ok, boobies, looking at your SS's, even tho, they aren't as impressive as mine, i would rather have you on my team instead of on my ooponents' team.

even tho i have argued with you over a lot of things, dis'd you and etc, i consider you someone with a reasonable amount of brain.

therefore, don't say stuff that shows otherwise.

when you look at someone's winning ratio/flag return/flag cap, there are a few things you need to consider

1, does he have a lot of guildies? i.e, does he mainly solo queue or group queue.

2, does he afk out of losses, take this joke hunter balroy as an example, his AB winning rate is 84/90, which is 93%, and his wsg winning rate is 91%, now it doesn't matter weather he solo queues or group queues, given that x doesn't change, is it easier to carry 10-x players with x players or is it easier to carry 15-x players with x players? in other words, if he solo queues, is it easier to carry 9 players or is it easier to carry 14 palyers? one's AB winning ratio should be ALWAYS lower than his wsg winning ratio in the long run if he is above average, and we can all agree that even balroy is a joke, he is still twinked out and therefore above average. so he must afk out of AB losses. if someone does that, then we can say, with reasonable confidence, that his wsg winning ratio is also not what it seems.

3, does his achivement reflect his winning ratio? look at his AB achivement "to the rescue", we see only 23 rescues in over 90 AB's played(actually a lot more because he afk's out of losing AB's), that ratio is so low that we can safely say he doesn't focus on game objective like good players, say, myself, i got 50 rescues in less than 50 games played.

and other things that i am not going to list one by one, but the point is, armory stats do tell you a lot about a player if you analyze it with some reasoning/logic.
glancealot said:
your 91% win mean NOTHING, you have over 30 49 twink guildies, and it is highly likely that you never solo queue.

further more, 84 wins out of 90 AB battles further shows that you either afk from losing battles or always group queue with a bunch of twinks.

ahahahahaha...How many times have you flaunted your W/L ratio? suddenly someone with a better ratio than you is an afker. You don't know him.

glancealot said:
2, does he afk out of losses, take this joke hunter balroy as an example, his AB winning rate is 84/90, which is 93%, and his wsg winning rate is 91%, now it doesn't matter weather he solo queues or group queues, given that x doesn't change, is it easier to carry 10-x players with x players or is it easier to carry 15-x players with x players? in other words, if he solo queues, is it easier to carry 9 players or is it easier to carry 14 palyers? one's AB winning ratio should be ALWAYS lower than his wsg winning ratio in the long run if he is above average, and we can all agree that even balroy is a joke, he is still twinked out and therefore above average. so he must afk out of AB losses. if someone does that, then we can say, with reasonable confidence, that his wsg winning ratio is also not what it seems.

Holy shit, do you think that any of that makes sense? You previously said that he is carried by guildies and must never solo-queue, which is why he has a high win ratio.

And wtf are you talking about with WSG win ratio should always be higher than AB? that's about as retarded a statement as I've seen you make so far.

Since you have a high W/L ratio, I believe you must also afk out of many of your losses. Also since you have such a high flag return per game ratio, I will also conclude that you sit in stealth until your teammates kill an FC and then spam click the flag. See, I can draw stupid conclusions as well.
A few notes about this method of judging players by armory:

One of the problems with your arguement is different classes, they are not equal in BGs.

Take a hunter or a mage, for example, they may be around the EFC, slowing him down, allowing the melee to catch up and drop him together. Since the range DPS isnt in melee range they arent going to click the flag faster. There is no stat to show the range DPS is the one that CC'd the FC allowing for the return (which is something good players do). Yet you are saying they are bad because x melee is closer to the target.

Some classes are better at support, how can you compare a priest for example to a rogue? You say "oh this disc priest didnt return enough flags or cap them, they must suck". Yet the priest kept the FC alive to cap or the offensive alive to pressure and drop the EFC. How do you tell that from the armory? Wins/losses? Yet if they have 2 many wins you try to discredit them.

In AB depending on the class you cant use achievments, because given class ability it maybe better for another class to get the node while others CC incoming or try to flush them out. Take Balroy for example, it is probably better that he is running around the node flaring and slowing incoming Alli's then say the warrior? So it would make sense for the warrior to take the node as these are team games.

Everything is way too situational for you to judge by armory.

Also before 3.2 some BGs were heavy in 1 faction of twinks, how do you account for that in your skill equation, it is most likely you cant even speak for other BG activity. So if 2 twinks vs 5 is the common factor of course the 2 twinks are gonna have a tougher time and the 5's stats are going to look better. Does that make them better? Of course not.

If you cant play with the players you cant judge their ability bottom line. Most of these twinks that post here are exceptional players that contribute to winning by applying timely CC and/or heals, peeling enemies off their heals and FC's, attacking the EFC in succession with the rest of them team ect. You cant judge that from the armory.
balroy actually does pvp with 212 hit. how do you think his win ratio is so good? come on, think about it... :/
In premades rogues generally got on a healer and not an FC, greatly reducing their chance of clicking the flag.
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