Snare Mage Help

Ok, so with my account being hacked and now banned because of the activities the person participated in I've had alot of time to think about what kind of twink I'm going to make and really theorycraft everything about it. I'm fairly sure I'm going to make a snare mage. Now Ive made builds for both level 20 (Please let it happen!) and level 19 twinks. Tell me what you would change, what you like/dislike, and basically let me know what you think about the whole thing. I could be overlooking a few pieces of gear or something. I'm just looking for opinions and tips. First link is the level 20 twink and the second one is for the 19 version. Comment away! v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

P.S. I am going to be using the Grand Staff of Jordan but doesn't have the scaling working on BoA weapons so I used the Twisted Chanters Staff because its the closest in stats.
If you're using Staff of Jordan you don't need the hit from the Spidersilk Drape, Staff + Ring will give you 8 which is the cap. Use Tranquillien Champion's Cloak instead.

You have too much spellpower if you're truly trying to build a CC Mage. Inferno Robe is pointless unless you're putting 7mp5 on it, as Tree Bark Jacket provides much better stats. For the same reasons I recommend 4stam bracers instead of the Cuffs.

Switch the Advisor's Ring for Seal of Sylvannas, the extra six stam will be more useful than 3mp5, mana isn't ever really an issue on a CC Mage if you know how to manage it correctly.

For reference, this is my Horde CC Mage: [char=us-Bleeding+Hollow]V%C3%ACvi[/char] (I don't use hit gear because I only premade on him, so I always have a 10hit elixir on.)
Thanks for the tips, I was wondering what the hit cap was and 8 is a nice low number :D. I'll definitely look into the cloak, the jacket may take awhile because as I recall it hardly ever pops up on the AH. Would It be worth it to grab the Swift Hand of Justice for when my trinket is down? It adds an extra 2.83% haste, that might be better than the 6 resil I'll be getting from the insignia

for the level 20 consider arugals robes and craftsmen's monacle
You cant get abomination skin leggings anymore (I think). They were only there on the opening of the AQ gates if I'm correct.
Everything you need to know about 19 Mages

Horrible DPS. Don't bother speccing fire at all, but you might want to carry around a +SP/+Fire set for fun in WSG.

I suggest using the built in change room feature to quickly switch between your CC, SP and Spi gear.

Spec frost. With the 3.2 changes to Permafrost, its basically a given that you get 3/3 Permafrost for the healing debuff. 5/5 Imp Frostbolt and 2/3 Frostbite.

For your CC set, your main set, max out your stam and int. Theres a few good guides on this site, so I wont bother going into details. Make sure you get 10 Haste to gloves though. +20 Frost damage wont do anything for your DPS. Youre only going to spamming R1 Frostbolts anyway. 10 Haste + talents = 0.95 sec R1 Frostbolt cast. Crazy fast.

In WSG in your CC set, you should only really be using four spells: R1 Frostbolt, Polymorph, Frostnova and R1 Fireball. If youre using Fireblast, youre doing it wrong. It uses the up GCD, costs alot of mana, and does poor damage with ~0 SP.


- R1 Frostbolt all DPS. Let your melee get to their Hunters, dont let their melee escape your Hunters. Frostbolt, tab, Frostbolt, tab, ect.

- Groups of 3+ should be Frost Novaed. The CD is relatively short and the mana cost is low, so use it liberally. Super effective at protecting your FC because the enemy usually clumps behind FC, making an easy target for Nova.

- Healers should be Polymorphed. If theres no healers, Poly one of their DPS whos not being attacked to help your team. Poly has no cooldown so if theres enemies, one of them should be polymorphed at all times.

- Good rogues will try ganking quickly and stealthing again. Make sure you hit them with a R1 Fireball to activate the DoT, keeping them visible.


CC Mages are amazing at arena with the right partner. Mage + Hunter works well, as long as the Hunter is good enough to keep the pressure off of you. Mage + Shaman works especially well for the heals, CCs and mobility from both classes and strong DPS from the Shaman. Mage + Rogue also works well, but is harder if the opposition are both ranged DPS. The general tactic is to separate the two opposition from each other and then strike hard.
kablam said:
You cant get abomination skin leggings anymore (I think). They were only there on the opening of the AQ gates if I'm correct.

You are partially correct. You can only get them from Sever who only spawned in the Naxx opening event. He also spawned in the Wotlk scourge event so it's more than likely that he'll spawn again sometime in the future, and I'll be waiting :D

kablam said:
Everything you need to know about 19 Mages

Horrible DPS. Don't bother speccing fire at all, but you might want to carry around a +SP/+Fire set for fun in WSG.

I suggest using the built in change room feature to quickly switch between your CC, SP and Spi gear.

Spec frost. With the 3.2 changes to Permafrost, its basically a given that you get 3/3 Permafrost for the healing debuff. 5/5 Imp Frostbolt and 2/3 Frostbite.

For your CC set, your main set, max out your stam and int. Theres a few good guides on this site, so I wont bother going into details. Make sure you get 10 Haste to gloves though. +20 Frost damage wont do anything for your DPS. Youre only going to spamming R1 Frostbolts anyway. 10 Haste + talents = 0.95 sec R1 Frostbolt cast. Crazy fast.

In WSG in your CC set, you should only really be using four spells: R1 Frostbolt, Polymorph, Frostnova and R1 Fireball. If youre using Fireblast, youre doing it wrong. It uses the up GCD, costs alot of mana, and does poor damage with ~0 SP.


- R1 Frostbolt all DPS. Let your melee get to their Hunters, dont let their melee escape your Hunters. Frostbolt, tab, Frostbolt, tab, ect.

- Groups of 3+ should be Frost Novaed. The CD is relatively short and the mana cost is low, so use it liberally. Super effective at protecting your FC because the enemy usually clumps behind FC, making an easy target for Nova.

- Healers should be Polymorphed. If theres no healers, Poly one of their DPS whos not being attacked to help your team. Poly has no cooldown so if theres enemies, one of them should be polymorphed at all times.

- Good rogues will try ganking quickly and stealthing again. Make sure you hit them with a R1 Fireball to activate the DoT, keeping them visible.


CC Mages are amazing at arena with the right partner. Mage + Hunter works well, as long as the Hunter is good enough to keep the pressure off of you. Mage + Shaman works especially well for the heals, CCs and mobility from both classes and strong DPS from the Shaman. Mage + Rogue also works well, but is harder if the opposition are both ranged DPS. The general tactic is to separate the two opposition from each other and then strike hard.

You don't know how many times I've read that post lol
ßubblehærth said:
Thanks for the tips, I was wondering what the hit cap was and 8 is a nice low number :D. I'll definitely look into the cloak, the jacket may take awhile because as I recall it hardly ever pops up on the AH. Would It be worth it to grab the Swift Hand of Justice for when my trinket is down? It adds an extra 2.83% haste, that might be better than the 6 resil I'll be getting from the insignia

Yeah TBJ is a random trash drop from BFD so it's pretty rare. I use the 12stam robe from SFK pretty much exclusively, but I have a TBJ on my Alliance Mage just in case.

I use the Hand of Justice on both my mages, it's definitely sexy.

Also, Fireblast is actually useful for totem stomping at range, so it's not entirely useless.
I'm planning on using Fire Blast to stop bandages aswell. I'm thinking of using Bloody Apron with 100 mana chant on it, that would make it like 12 stam and 10 int which are very nice stats for a snare mage, or should I go with the 100 health?
before you get AGM and fishing hat you will probably find health more of an issue than mana tbh, so i would choose 100hp to begin with and then see what you prefer as your health pool increases; 100hp, 4stats or 100 mana
My experience with a "snare mage" at the 19 bracket is limited to today, but I didn't want to bump my old thread that is on page three or four when this is basically the same thread only by you :p

The playstyle of a snare only character is new to me. I've healed, I've DPSed, I've tanked, but just snaring people to slow them down is something I've never done.

And I gotta say, there really isn't that much gratification from it. Your damage is lower, you don't get many KB's, and I died all the damn time. Granted I could take some pleasure in knowing I slowed the enemy down or CCed them for so long that they just had to emote spam my corpse when I finally died, but it's just not the same as blowing someone up or topping the healing charts.

I figured I'd throw this out there to anyone who looks at this thread with the intention of making a snare mage. I had some fun of course, but having the most deaths is a bit disheartening. I'm new to the playstyle and probably doing something wrong of course, but I don't think any snare mage would ever be at the top of the KB charts.

My mage is named Malays on Malorne. I need to grab a new ring yet and I know I don't have the recommended health for the job. That doesn't help but oh well :p Perhaps I'll get a firepower set together and try that.
Well this is mostly for arena play and some premades I'm not going to be pugging with a snare mage unless I put a foam pad on the wall so I don't bust another hole in it while I smash my head into it. In a premade or even a pug me and my two friends (a hunter and a priest) are going to be together 100% of the time so everything should be fine

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