Smiffy breaks 600 Shadow Damage barrier.

gj on getting the sp up so high but you may be quite the glass cannon =P

and for god's sake people, no flaming. inherent to the concept of maxing out sp is sacrificing balanced itemization. if you respond to threads with flames and feel it's somehow not hypocritical to make a post simply stating "i don't care," then go back to the BG forums pls
umm. i haven't looked with my spellpower being buffed, but unbuffed (402 SD) my siphon life ticks around 100-101, and my Corruption tics around 200-202.

CoA i don't have numbers for.
well i'm just speaking out of don't have to do this...but i personally like the idea....

you should try doing it fully buffed against a 100% debuff FC, with the maximum amplify magic you can have on the FC, beserker on both you and the FC. no shadow resist on FC, either. curse of elements comes from a different warlock.

try dotting them up, then have them get healed, and then go for shadowbolts. record the numbers that appear on the screen/in your log.

it would take a lot setting up. like the max amplify you can get is probably outside of level also need an arcane mage for that. in addition, the FC has to join while the debuff is existant because amp only lasts 10 minutes. but it would be sick if you could pull it off.
The max amp magic probably wouldn't work since those two buffs are like PWS, they are dispelled when you leave the mage's group, and can't be applied except by a mage in your group. =/
Jadyn said:
The max amp magic probably wouldn't work since those two buffs are like PWS, they are dispelled when you leave the mage's group, and can't be applied except by a mage in your group. =/

ah that would kind of suck..what if you stayed in the group and then entered the BG though? /shrug

well, if it doesn't work, you can still use a level 39 arcane mage's amp magic. the dots would still do boatloads of damage :D
I was thinking of a warrior specced fury, goes beserker stance, grabs beserker buff, and pops deathwish.

and pops recklessness
Smiffy said:
I was thinking of a warrior specced fury, goes beserker stance, grabs beserker buff, and pops deathwish.

and pops recklessness

yes that's more stuff you could set up, i guess i missed those. i don't know anything about warriors :eek:
He's in one of the best twink guilds for 39s there is....assuming he has grodala AND jadyn, he is a tank
I admire you for going max non-exploit damage

Check eu-blutdurst battlegroup there are some locks at >430 base damage
Nice work smiffy! 643 =O!
Srsly. What he's doing is what half of twinking is all about. Messing around to try new things, minmaxing, whatever. I've got a +nature damage set on my 29 shaman. Are elemental shamans gimp at 29? Yep (or at least, they were back when I played). Did it gimp most of my stats? Yep. But so what? It was fun to see how high I could push my LB damage.

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