Smelting Pants

the new build for smelting pants (7 crit rate rather than 7 spirit) is lookin really good for rogues. my guess is that more rogues will start to wear this.

how much crit chance does that give? and how much in relation to the 9 agil from the fang leggings?

my prediction: green tinted goggles loses spirit and gets ap/crit chance as well.
its not better than fang pants, its more crit, but 14 less AP. I can see some hunter's switching since they don't lose as much AP and gain more crit. Also 7crit rating is 2.40~% extra crit. Hope that helps.
The goggles will probably keep the spirit. Their removing the spirit from items which are worthless. FOr example spirit on a meele item. As I see it, the goggles isn't specifically an item for meele dps
thanks guys this is just what i needed. so far, the only upcoming gear changes on my rogue will be the back slot... for now.
the goggles are classified as a caster item, i.e. their cloth, so they will keep their spirit bonuses definitely. Yeah I can't wait for new cloak of the bandit also =D
Boglund said:
The goggles will probably keep the spirit. Their removing the spirit from items which are worthless. FOr example spirit on a meele item. As I see it, the goggles isn't specifically an item for meele dps

Yea. The goggles are cloth. I just wish they would change it to something besides spirit.
Boglund said:
Maybe int? I think I saw some 39 twink caster items getting int or SP instead of spirit.

That would be pro. It would give me somewhat of an excuse to not get the fishing hat.
Just wondering, how does it gimp your fc set? You gain crit which is good for heals and also good for a defensive burst
He needs the 7 spirit for the HP regen... everyone knows an FC needs to stack that.
I did say slightly :) and its only really useful for mana regen while running and not casting. Crit is pretty crappy for healing as a drood. The difference is really pretty minimal i was just complaining out of having nothing better to do ^^
Anyone else think that 7 crit is a bit much for a deadmines pair of pants? Think what else you've gotta do to stack crit, 225 skinning for 9 crit, BoAs, 1 talent point per % for a warr etc.
Duckhunt said:
Use HT glyph with these pants and win. :)

HT glyph is viable, but you shouldnt use HT exclusively even with the glyph, it just isnt mana efficient enough. Rejuv should always be your first port of call for healing. 5/5 eagle would still be better druidwise imo, unless wrathspamming :)
hmmm.... you can use the cloth quest reward pants that give the same exact stats that these used to give too don't forget.
Looks like I'm going to grab a pair for my paladin.

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